Here's wishing you a blessed ending to 2009 and a wonderful 2010!
One more thing -- I swiped this from John Ruberry, because I'm a sentimental softie and it made me cry:
A pickup truck went off a railroad viaduct and crashed into a house this afternoon in the city's West Lawn community, authorities said.Yeesh! That had to hurt.
Lo, How a Rose E’er BloomingPeace on earth; good will toward man!
German Carol, Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen, ca. 1500
Translated by Theodore Baker, 1894 (Stanzas 1–2),
Harriet R. Spaeth, 1875 (Stanzas 3–4), and John C. Mattes, 1914 (Stanza 5)Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming from tender stem hath sprung,
of Jesse’s lineage coming, as men of old have sung.
It came, a flow’ret bright, amid the cold of winter,
when half-spent was the night.
Isaiah ’twas foretold it, the Rose I have in mind;
With Mary we behold it, the virgin mother kind.
To show God’s love aright, she bore to men a Savior,
when half-spent was the night.
The shepherds heard the story, proclaimed by angels bright,
how Christ, the Lord of glory, was born on earth this night.
To Bethlehem they sped and in the manger found him,
as angel heralds said.
This flow’r, whose fragrance tender with sweetness fills the air,
dispels with glorious splendor the darkness ev’rywhere.
True man, yet very God; from sin and death he saves us
and lightens ev’ry load.
O Savior, child of Mary, who felt our human woe;
O Savior, King of glory, who dost our weakness know,
bring us at length, we pray, to the bright courts of heaven
and to the endless day.
Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), the chairwoman of the House Rules Committee and co-chairwoman of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, said that the Senate's bill is so flawed that it's unlikely to be resolved in conference with the bill to have passed the House.Good.
You don’t need comity between warring parties to get something done on health care. What is needed is the application of common sense and a little prudence. Indeed, prudence has been sacrificed on the altar of process - the abandonment of the principle of “good government” in order to achieve a purely political triumph for the majority.I'm tired of politicians who are more interested in winning than they are in governing effectively.
With logic only a lawyer -- and perhaps only a government lawyer -- could love, the Obama administration is refusing to obey a federal judge's order that agrees with a position the administration supports.There ya go. The president himself has set the tone.
Go read the whole thing, and try and do it with a straight face.
Storage Building Burns
15 Dublin Fire Brigade Companies Respond
2 Firefighters Hospitalized.
Beer Output Unaffected
Day 5, still no smoking. This is the day when magical thinking finally kicked in -- that dialog between the addictive, craving side of personality that cajoles, wheedles, bullies, pleads and bargains with logic and willpower. Magical thinking is sneaky and insiduous and counterproductive... and very, very tempting.
I'm not giving in today. And it's good that I recognized that this is part of the healing process. But little voices are whispering in my ear.
I need psychic earplugs... and I need them right now!
IMAB is a board appointed by the President with congressional approval, to submit recommendations on Medicare payments and costs. IMAB is modeled, somewhat, on the Base Closing Commission which made recommendations on shrinking the military base structure in the late 1980s and 1990s.Even further:
IMAB's recommendations will have the force of law under the Senate bill unless rejected by Congress in toto. Congress cannot accept one recommendation and reject another.
As Erick Erickson points out in a post last night, the Senate legislation on IMAB goes even further than one could imagine. The Senate not only delegates the hard decisions to IMAB, it imposes a very tight timeline for consideration by the Congress, and precludes the Congress from ever changing the legislation.I cannot fathom that this is Constitutional. I pray that it is not.
In this rush to pass legislation by Christmas, the most fundamental aspect of representative democracy is being lost. The Democrats are about to pass legislation which divests the Congress of its ability to change legislation.If that doesn't give you some serious pause for concern, there's something wrong with you.
This is what we have come to. A Democratic majority ready to hand over a fundamental aspect of our health care system to an unelected panel without any future Congress being able to change this procedure.
Some readers have e-mailed me asking if this is constitutional. The answer is that I don't know, and in the rush to pass this by the day after tomorrow, no one will have time to fully sort through this issue. But that is the point of the rush. Load up the legislation with so many controversial points that no one can figure it all out prior to the vote.
...[C]ontrolling insurance costs is enormously important, unless your very costly insurance is provided by an important Democratic constituency.Some of these things are not like the others.
The Reid bill also gives a pass on the excise tax to the 17 states with the highest health costs. This provision applied to only 10 states in a prior version, but other Senators made a fuss. So controlling health costs is enormously important, except in the places where health costs need the most control.
Naturally, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will decide how to measure "costs" and therefore which 17 states qualify. (Prediction: Swing states that voted for Mr. Obama in 2008 or have powerful Democratic Senators.)
These 11th-hour indulgences make a hash of Mr. Orszag's cost-control theories and Mr. Obama's cost-control claims. Their spin has been that wise men would convene and make benevolent decisions about everyone's health care based only on evidence and the public good. But as the Reid bill shows, politics will always dominate when Washington is directing a U.S. health industry that is larger than the economy of France.
At the twelfth hour of year one, now spending is a spreeToo true.
Twelve trillion debit
Laws made in secret,
Nobody's read them,
"Just give me something!
We can fix it later.
Legacy's at stake here,
SOTU's coming,
Soros, call me!!!"
This is hope and change,
In full stride,
At Christmas time,
In a fucked up economy
Climate change is real.Go read the whole thing... and be sure and tip your cap to GuyK for the pointer!
The climate of the planet Earth is constantly changing. It's been up and down like a whore's drawers, and the all that shit about mankind causing it is just that, shit. It's been warmer, it's been colder, it happens all the time, it hasn't wiped out the world yet, and mankind has nothing to do with it.
Come on, a single volcanic eruption pumps more carbon into the atmosphere than humanity can in decades, and even then it's got nothing on water vapor when it comes to atmospheric content and its effect on the climate, and I haven't even brought up sunspots and cosmic rays and their effect on the weather.
Swanson and other greyhound advocates have spent the last few weeks transporting dogs as they become available to avoid a last-minute panic when some 600 Dairyland dogs become suddenly unemployed. Swanson is bracing for a deluge of these gentle creatures -- most of them young, some injured -- who need good homes.Greyhounds are sweet, docile couch potatoes that make great apartment pets.
Yes, indeedy, it would be nice if for once the media would quit making a big deal about race or gender or sexual preference and focus on qualifications and character. That's when we'll know that we've achieved true equality.
High-paid public sector workers face 20 per cent pay cuts. Brian Cowen, the Taoiseach, is leading from the front taking a fall in salary from 285,583 euros (£259,000) to 228,466 euros (£207,000). The welfare budget is being cut by 4.1 per cent.
By embracing policies of low taxation, Ireland was transformed from being among the poorest countries in Western Europe to among the richest. Lowest corporate tax rates meant it was a competitive country for multinationals to invest in and to benefit from the well educated work force. Unemployment fell sharply.
Yes, Ireland gets it.Lenihan also rejected the option of just continuing to borrow and hoping for the best. He said: ‘Some have argued we should continue to borrow and wait for the economy to grow again before tackling the budget deficit. There are three reasons why this is not a viable proposition.
‘First, we know from the 1980s how large deficits, left unchecked, can lead to a dangerous spiral of mounting debt and ever increasing interest payments. Never again should we return to a position where all of our income taxes go to pay interest on the national debt.
‘Second, international debt markets have become more crowded and more fragile. If lenders were to lose faith in our ability to restore order to the public finances, the consequences for our economic well-being would be profound.’
‘Third,’ he added, ‘only decisive action will restore confidence. Consumers will only start to spend and business owners will only invest and create jobs if they believe we are tackling our deficit problem now.’
Lenihan added: ‘In our everyday lives we do not borrow to pay for our household bills. We cut back and seek to live within our means. The same strictures apply at national level. Borrowing hundreds of millions a week to pay for day to day spending is just not on. Stabilising the deficit is the next key milestone in our plan to deliver economic recovery for this country.’
I wish our governing representatives had even half as much courage and common sense as Ireland's. And I'll bet you that their economy will rebound long before ours.Lenihan had to make some tough choices on public spending. The elderly have been protected, with no cuts in state pension. But elsewhere the savings are widespread.
Subsidies for everything from housing to the arts are being slashed. Surplus assets are being sold. Bureaucracy is being cut back. Unemployment benefit is being reduced because, according to Lenihan, ‘a welfare system out of step with labour costs in the rest of the economy can trap people in protracted joblessness.’Not everyone will agree with the choices he made. But at least he had the guts to make them.
Electricity generation, transportation and industry represent the three largest sources of U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions.Not to mention cow belches and sheep farts... and every living creature that breathes out after it breathes in.
By a vote of 53 to 41, the Senate on Saturday rejected a Republican effort to block cutbacks in payments to home health agencies that provide nursing care and therapy to homebound Medicare beneficiaries.By disallowing those dollars to be spent, they'll drive Medicare beneficiaries into nursing homes and hospitals in droves, driving up the cost of their medical care, instead of allowing them to remain in their own homes and reducing the cost as a result.
Mon Dieux, Emile, what I’m gonna feed all these bozos? They too snooty for fried nutria, and da cow ate up all my turnip green.Haaaaaaaahahaha!
You Are a Caramel Brownie |
You are a very sweet person. Even when you get yourself in to binds, people know that your heart is in the right place. You're the type of guy or gal that people never forget. There is something "sticky" about you - you stick in people's brain's. You are act naturally. You let the world see who you are, flaws and all. You're a little chaotic and even messy, but you're okay with that. You can be a bit hyper and unfocused at times. You don't stay organized - but that's part of your charm! |
You Are Italian |
Ah, you are a true romantic. You enjoy all of the sensual pleasures in love - delicious food, soul stirring music, a beautiful sunset... And you always seem to be able to find the words to describe each experience perfectly. You are a charming and seductive person. You just have that certain something that draws people to you. You are passionate about words. Words can easily inspire, delight, or anger you. It's sometimes all about how something was said. |
The maker of the Kamelflage brand of ladies’ underwear has accused Camelflage LLC of blatantly ripping off the original product with its own widespread line of underpants for concealing “frontal wedgies.”Boy, I'd like to be working on that case! (The patent application alone would have me in fits of giggles for days.)
I’d love to hear Tiger make this argument to Elin: “Hi honey. You know, even though you (allegedly) attacked me because I (allegedly) cheated on you, I can keep you out of jail. But I’ve decided against it. You see, it’s hurting my brand and my image to keep my mouth shut right now. Sorry. Don’t worry, I’ll find a really good (hot) babysitter to take care of the kids while you serve your time.”Leave both Tiger and Elin alone already.
Talking would be the dumbest thing Tiger can do right now, if he wants to help his wife. Lawyers understand this fact better than most. Please spread the word so I can watch SportsCenter without spitting up my coffee.
Hey Secret Agent Man, here’s Obama, the senator flashing his pearly whites with Randy Jackson, better known as a judge on American Idol. “Others pictured are Black Eyed Peas Rock Band; Tareq Salahi the President of the America’s Polo Cup; President Elect Obama, Fergie from Black eyed Peas and Michaele Salahi, posing this time as a former Miss USA and SuperModel.”
You Are a Knight |
You are very unusual and even a bit eccentric. No one can really figure you out easily. Because you're not predictable, people behave irrationally around you. They may feel threatened by your presence, or they may underestimate you completely. You do best when you're close to the action. You don't move quickly, so you need to be near the center of things if you want to make a difference. You tend to act quickly, and decisively. In fact, you are often the first person to make a move. |
Somewhere, sometime…I don’t know when…the public has dropped even the pretense that the Emergency Department is anything other than an all-hours urgent care or some kind of one-stop shopping for all of your real and imagined medical problems. It it this impatience, the medicalization of all aspects of life, represented by patients demanding instant treatment for things that thirty years ago would be shrugged off that ensures our health care system will bankrupt us, especially when it is free.
Amid the bleak winter, hundreds of thousands of desperate Irish sought work on public works relief projects. By late December 1846, 500,000 men, women and children were at work building stone roads. Paid by piece-work, the men broke apart large stones with hammers then placed the fragments in baskets carried by the women to the road site where they were dumped and fit into place. They built roads that went from nowhere to nowhere in remote rural areas that had no need of such roads in the first place. Many of the workers, poorly clothed, malnourished and weakened by fever, fainted or even dropped dead on the spot.
The streets of downtown Batavia were going to be dimmer this year -- a $25,000 cut in the city's holiday decorating budget meant leaving lamp poles without lights and sparkly snowflakes in storage.This is the second town in the area that has responded this way. That's the spirit of America, right there.
But many residents love the holidays a lot, so they pledged to pitch in and brighten the city's streets where officials could not.
Talking about changing the channel to a person who still hasn't taken the television home is denying reality.
My nephew is potty training, so the other day I went with him to the bathroom to do Number 2. I noticed he was grunting and pushing pretty hard so I told him, “If you keep doing that you’ll blow a gasket.” No sooner had I said this, he unleashed an incredible fart. He looked at me with panic in his eyes and said, “I just blew a gasket!” IMMDAlso this priceless gem:
I went through a McDonald’s drive thru and said “I can has cheeseburger?” There was a pause before I heard “Nom Nom Nom” on the other end. IMMDStraight to the RSS feed!
Many Muslims desperately flee these countries for the West in order to pursue their more extreme brand of Islam. We give them the freedom to do so--in effect the freedom to hate us.Wrap your head around that for a minute.
The campaign of Chicago attorney and Democratic Senate candidate Jacob Meister said it began airing one-minute TV ads in central Illinois today in which he contends that helping the economy and creating jobs is more important than battling corruption.You notice that he never made the connection that a corrupt system caused our economy problems in the first place.
“What I think is appropriate is that in the same way that everybody has to get auto insurance and if you don't, you're subject to some penalty, that in this situation, if you have the ability to buy insurance, it's affordable and you choose not to do so, forcing you and me and everybody else to subsidize you, you know, there's a thousand dollar hidden tax that families all across America are -- are burdened by because of the fact that people don't have health insurance, you know, there's nothing wrong with a penalty.”Thanks, Big Guy. You almost slipped that one right past us.
I've got news for you: The "town hall meeting" was invented by politicians to make you think that your opinion actually counts. It doesn't. A town hall meeting just gives people with too much time on their hands a chance to vent. Beyond that, it's an insult to broadcasters and journalists who have at least taken the time to form an opinion longer than a sentence and have actually done some research. What's the point of doing all of that, when any knucklehead has the same access to the people you brought to the party in the first place?Nice to know the only opinion that counts is a journalist's. And that only a journalist knows how to do research. And the media wonders why many of us resent them?
You are a Flag-Waving Everyman, also known as a patriot. You believe in freedom, apple pie, rooting for America at all times, and that God gave us a two-day weekend so we could enjoy football and NASCAR.
Take the quiz at www.FightLiberals.com
Go read the whole thing here.If there are any of you out there with any connection at all to the Bushes, we implore you to give them our thanks…you tell them that a bunch of gay Hillary guys in Boystown, Chicago were wrong about the Bushes…and are deeply, deeply sorry for any jokes we told about them in the past, any bad thoughts we had about these good, good people.
You may be as surprised by this as we are ourselves, but from this day forward George W. and Laura Bush are now on the same list for us as the Clintons, Geraldine Ferraro, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, and the other political figures we keep in our hearts and never allow anyone to badmouth.
Criticize their policies academically and intelligently and discuss the Bush presidency in historical and political terms…but you mess with the Bushes personally and, from this day forward, you’ll answer to us.
We hope someday to be able to thank George W. and Laura in person for all they’ve done, and continue to do. They didn’t have to head to Ft. Hood. That was not their responsibility.
The Obamas should have done that.
But didn’t.
Thank goodness George W. is still on his watch, with wonderful Laura at his side.