Well. Guest bloggers appear to be pooping out on me, so...
Whoohoo! We finally have be-yoo-ti-ful weather.
Okay. I confess. I was naughty last night. Went to my favorite onboard bar and stayed out too late. (I'm in the middle of old people land. One in every 250 people on this ship are under the age of 55. Scarey.) Anway, the bars are dead by 11 p.m., but the bartenders and waiters are fabulous. (Pix to follow of Rueben, Romeo, Shy Sly, Alex and more.)
Anyway, got back to the cabin at... well... late. Opened the door to the balconey and... MAGIC! The air was warm and balmy, and the stars were magnificent. Saw Leo and Scorpio for the first time. Saw three new stars in Orion that I've never seen before. Gorgeous. Was very, very tempted to go up to the 15th deck, find a lounge chair, and sleep there... but... was worried that Mom would be frantic if I was AWOL in the morning. Left the balconey door opened to warm up the cabin, and headed off to the Land of Nod.
What in the heck is it with these blogging dreams lately? Good thing I don't sleep with a keyboard, or God knows what you'd find posted in the mornings...
Mom booted me out of bed at 6:30 a.m., as we had an 8:30 a.m. excursion today. Was able to catch a couple of lovely shots of the coast of Mexico before dawn. (Kevin, you are migrating me and showing me how to upload pictures as soon as I get back, right?) Grumble, grumble, grumble... but I got moving, and got us onto the transport to take us into Cabo San Lucas. We did a coastal tour bus excursion.
Did I complain earlier about 59 degree temps? Had to take it back today, as the temp climbed up into the nineties! Woot! (Got that expression from Kelley, and love it.) Cabo San Lucas is one of the cleanest places in Mexico, bar none. Pristine. Unfortunately, we spent only the time it took to drive straight through it to see it. Headed to San Juan de Los Cabos. On the way, stopped at a glass blowing factory. Fascinating stuff. (Next time I'm in Cost Plus World Market, I'll be buying some new glassware, as I've seen what the industry is doing for the local economy.) Second stop, San Juan de los Cabos. WOW! What a beautiful, laid back place. Did I say beautiful? Words are not enough. Stunning. Relaxing. Gorgeous. Ahem. Third stop was Cacti Mundi, a living museum with over 900 varieties of succulents, collected all over the Americas. Instead of showcasing each variety separately, there were (okay, I'm running out of superlative adjectives here) incredible landscaped gardens incorporating many different types of cacti (including the infamous blue agave, from whence Tequila is derived). Back on the bus and off to Giorgio's, a restaurant right on the water and directly across from where our ship was docked. Had a blast taking photos with the new camera and playing with all the whistles and bells incorporated therein. (Could have stayed at Giorgio's for a month and not gotten all the pictures I wanted.) Then, back to the Coral Princess with nap time for Mom. (We are on exactly the most aptly-named cruise line in the world.)
The Princess had a spa appointment to repair a nail (don't ask), then we were off for dinner. First really great meal since we've been on the ship (red snapper for me, steak for Mom). Mom headed back to the cabin, and I was once again off to join my bartender buds (the luscious Rueben and Romeo) at the Explorer's Bar. Tonight was "Princess Idol" karayoke night. Gack. Problem is, it's all OLD people on this cruise, and only a couple of people were singing. Finally signed up, and did a little song. Will wait and see if I have a star on my door in the morning...
In the meantime, it's "Drizzle, drizzle, drazzle, drome. Time for this one to come home." Nighty-night!
Busman's Holiday
Monday was the first day at sea. There's a funny difference (for me, at least), between traveling east and traveling west. I can adjust to almost anything east, but going west takes days to adjust. Yesterday was a very, VERY lazy day. We got up late, ate a small breakfast in the room, shopped, visited the library, ate lunch at the buffet, then Mom was tired, so we went back to the room. I spent the afternoon reading and watching Mom nap. She got up, we got ready for dinner (first big formal), and headed to the restaurant.
Since we're on open dining, we got seated with two other couples (it's really wierd to consider your mom and yourself a "couple"). Anyway, dinner was good, but not great. Service was... *ahem* less than great. Having had outstanding service and food in the past, this is a big disappointment.
Anyway, after dinner, we headed to the theater for the Broadway salute. Unfortunately, the temperature in the theater rivaled a Sub-Zero freezer. Mom knew I had promised the DJ from the night before (Sunday) that I'd do karayoke, so she suggested we stop in the room, regroup, and then she'd join me for karayoke. Little did I know that, once I hit the room, I was done for the night.
After a night of strange dreams involving blogs, blogging, my current cat, cats in new homes, and my ex-husband, I woke with less than normal rest. (It's a good thing that I can't sleep with a keyboard, as I'd more than likely be blogging in my sleep. Scarey, isn't it?)
We ordered breakfast through room service, spent the morning lazing around, did a little shopping, and once again headed for the room. (Is the picture becoming clear here?)
Mom wanted lunch in the main restaurant, so I gave in. Big mistake. If I don't get some real exercise soon, I'm going to look like the Goodyear Blimp. Talked her into two laps around the 15th deck at a speed which, if clocked by a speed gun, would have been a half a gear low of reverse. Had to stop for a refill on fresh fruit at lap 1-1/2. Agh!
Had a spa appointment for a mani/pedi this afternoon. Photos to follow for A-Man. Must say, every man or woman on the planet ought to have their *ahem* in the pedicure chair at some point in their life... ... Anyway, pretty hands, pretty feet, baby-soft forearms and baby-soft calves later, my fingers and toes look lovely. Feel lovely, too, thanks to the lovely Joanne.
Dinner tonight was okay... but not the caliber of food that Mom or I have had on prior cruises. Bummer.
Mom once again went to be early. I went to Crooner's for the Liar's Club. Here's a chance to test your knowledge. I'll give you the word we got, and the 4 clues. Give me your answers, and the closest person wins a T-Shirt from one of my port stops. (And I'm holding back a tie breaker.) NO GOOGLING FIRST!
Clue: POOD
1. Indian pastry stuffed with spiced meat or vegetable.
2. Russian unit of weight.
3. Polish expression of joy.
4. Technica term for sponts on an animal.
1. To "con".
2. Flavoring for beer.
3. Sap of a beechtree, used as a healing ointment.
4. Fish.
Clue: Janker (pronounced "yanker")
1. German Parliement member.
2. Machine used in beer making.
3. East Indian fertility good.
4. Cheater (U.S. Souther colloquial).
Clue: Flitterbick
1. Small, colorfull bird, similar to a parakeet.
2. Big tips (i.e., large gratuities)
3. Mythical squirrel
4. Pin attaching a trailor to a hitch.
Bed time. See you!
P. S. It FINALLY got warm today. The sun came out. HOOOOOORAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
P.P.S. We are an the absolute correct cruise line for Mom. Can you guess which one?
Since we're on open dining, we got seated with two other couples (it's really wierd to consider your mom and yourself a "couple"). Anyway, dinner was good, but not great. Service was... *ahem* less than great. Having had outstanding service and food in the past, this is a big disappointment.
Anyway, after dinner, we headed to the theater for the Broadway salute. Unfortunately, the temperature in the theater rivaled a Sub-Zero freezer. Mom knew I had promised the DJ from the night before (Sunday) that I'd do karayoke, so she suggested we stop in the room, regroup, and then she'd join me for karayoke. Little did I know that, once I hit the room, I was done for the night.
After a night of strange dreams involving blogs, blogging, my current cat, cats in new homes, and my ex-husband, I woke with less than normal rest. (It's a good thing that I can't sleep with a keyboard, as I'd more than likely be blogging in my sleep. Scarey, isn't it?)
We ordered breakfast through room service, spent the morning lazing around, did a little shopping, and once again headed for the room. (Is the picture becoming clear here?)
Mom wanted lunch in the main restaurant, so I gave in. Big mistake. If I don't get some real exercise soon, I'm going to look like the Goodyear Blimp. Talked her into two laps around the 15th deck at a speed which, if clocked by a speed gun, would have been a half a gear low of reverse. Had to stop for a refill on fresh fruit at lap 1-1/2. Agh!
Had a spa appointment for a mani/pedi this afternoon. Photos to follow for A-Man. Must say, every man or woman on the planet ought to have their *ahem* in the pedicure chair at some point in their life... ... Anyway, pretty hands, pretty feet, baby-soft forearms and baby-soft calves later, my fingers and toes look lovely. Feel lovely, too, thanks to the lovely Joanne.
Dinner tonight was okay... but not the caliber of food that Mom or I have had on prior cruises. Bummer.
Mom once again went to be early. I went to Crooner's for the Liar's Club. Here's a chance to test your knowledge. I'll give you the word we got, and the 4 clues. Give me your answers, and the closest person wins a T-Shirt from one of my port stops. (And I'm holding back a tie breaker.) NO GOOGLING FIRST!
Clue: POOD
1. Indian pastry stuffed with spiced meat or vegetable.
2. Russian unit of weight.
3. Polish expression of joy.
4. Technica term for sponts on an animal.
1. To "con".
2. Flavoring for beer.
3. Sap of a beechtree, used as a healing ointment.
4. Fish.
Clue: Janker (pronounced "yanker")
1. German Parliement member.
2. Machine used in beer making.
3. East Indian fertility good.
4. Cheater (U.S. Souther colloquial).
Clue: Flitterbick
1. Small, colorfull bird, similar to a parakeet.
2. Big tips (i.e., large gratuities)
3. Mythical squirrel
4. Pin attaching a trailor to a hitch.
Bed time. See you!
P. S. It FINALLY got warm today. The sun came out. HOOOOOORAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
P.P.S. We are an the absolute correct cruise line for Mom. Can you guess which one?
Busman's Holiday
Met Mom at Midway Airport and had a great dinner Friday night. (First food I'd been able to keep down in two days. Stress, don't you know.)
Slept almost the entire way to San Fran. (Good thing, as I hadn't slept much in the 48 hours before.)
Crazy cabbie who kept referring to Mom as Mama (accent on the second syllable), and sang the whole way from the airport to the hotel (all of three notes, over and over again) at Fishermen's Wharf.
Saturday, we took the street car to the end. I had purchased round trip tix, but Mom had no patience for lines, so we cabbed back to Fishermen's Wharf.
San Francisco in late September is [insert favorite dirty word here] COLD (59 degrees. Yikes!). Had to buy Mom a fleece jacket. (The biggest racket in San Fran is selling those suckers. They're on every street corner. The good thing is that a jacket that would sell for $30 plus anywhere else sells for $12 EVERYWHERE in San Fran. Somebody is making a fortune on those suckers.)
Caught up with a city tour bus trip. Fog made it impossible to see the Golden Gate Bridge. Popsicle Mom. (Pix to follow, once Blogdaddy shows me how to upoload the bloody things.)
Dinner at McCormick & Kuletos... relative to McCormick & Schmick in Chicago. For the foodies out there -- Mom had two appetizers -- oyster stew and pan-fried yearling oysters. That's more than she usually eats... by a lot. I had Tombo, seared, with sticky rice, seaweed salad and a soy, ginger, miso sauce. Yum.
Sleep. Major YUM.
Mom had proposed going on another tour today, but I cut that idea off at the knees when I saw how tired she was last night. So NOT going to do that.
This morning we lazed around the room, went to breakfast, did a little last-minute Walgreen's run, lazed around the room on the balconey a little bit (much warmer today), and then headed for the ship. Yay, yay, YAY for bellman, cab drivers and porters everwhere.
The Coral Princess is beautiful and HUGE. We checked in early, did an impromptu tour, did the safety drill, and then did an early dinner. Beautiful food. Beautiful service. Oh, yeah -- brand new, beautiful ship.
Mom headed off to bed right after dinner. I, of course, headed off to find new friends... which I managed. More on that later. (I met the DJ. I think there's karayoke in my future...)
Slept almost the entire way to San Fran. (Good thing, as I hadn't slept much in the 48 hours before.)
Crazy cabbie who kept referring to Mom as Mama (accent on the second syllable), and sang the whole way from the airport to the hotel (all of three notes, over and over again) at Fishermen's Wharf.
Saturday, we took the street car to the end. I had purchased round trip tix, but Mom had no patience for lines, so we cabbed back to Fishermen's Wharf.
San Francisco in late September is [insert favorite dirty word here] COLD (59 degrees. Yikes!). Had to buy Mom a fleece jacket. (The biggest racket in San Fran is selling those suckers. They're on every street corner. The good thing is that a jacket that would sell for $30 plus anywhere else sells for $12 EVERYWHERE in San Fran. Somebody is making a fortune on those suckers.)
Caught up with a city tour bus trip. Fog made it impossible to see the Golden Gate Bridge. Popsicle Mom. (Pix to follow, once Blogdaddy shows me how to upoload the bloody things.)
Dinner at McCormick & Kuletos... relative to McCormick & Schmick in Chicago. For the foodies out there -- Mom had two appetizers -- oyster stew and pan-fried yearling oysters. That's more than she usually eats... by a lot. I had Tombo, seared, with sticky rice, seaweed salad and a soy, ginger, miso sauce. Yum.
Sleep. Major YUM.
Mom had proposed going on another tour today, but I cut that idea off at the knees when I saw how tired she was last night. So NOT going to do that.
This morning we lazed around the room, went to breakfast, did a little last-minute Walgreen's run, lazed around the room on the balconey a little bit (much warmer today), and then headed for the ship. Yay, yay, YAY for bellman, cab drivers and porters everwhere.
The Coral Princess is beautiful and HUGE. We checked in early, did an impromptu tour, did the safety drill, and then did an early dinner. Beautiful food. Beautiful service. Oh, yeah -- brand new, beautiful ship.
Mom headed off to bed right after dinner. I, of course, headed off to find new friends... which I managed. More on that later. (I met the DJ. I think there's karayoke in my future...)
Traveling Companions
Much as I'd love to take her along, Marilyn can't come on the cruise with Mom and I. She probably won't miss me much, because I've arranged for her own professional play person to come and feed her and give her scratches and belly rubs. And feed her treats.
Hmmmm..... Maybe I should have hired one of those to come on the ship with ME!
Hmmmm..... Maybe I should have hired one of those to come on the ship with ME!
Bus Fumes
The last blather over Dan Rather before I go. Hmmm.... I get to go two whole weeks without thinking once about Danny Boy. Sounds like bliss to me.
One more thing. Never pack for a trip when you're in the middle of a whopping big panic attack. You would not believe all the stuff hanging in my closet instead of sitting in my suitcase. Poop! I bought that stuff specifically for this trip.
On the other hand... it's a hell of an excuse to go shopping...
One more thing. Never pack for a trip when you're in the middle of a whopping big panic attack. You would not believe all the stuff hanging in my closet instead of sitting in my suitcase. Poop! I bought that stuff specifically for this trip.
On the other hand... it's a hell of an excuse to go shopping...
Roadside Diversions
Here's this weeks Carnival of the Recipes. I diehard foodie like me would let a little thing like stress, panic attacks and a looming deadline stop me from bringing the Carnival to you.
Posting will be nonexistent today, as I'm hitting crunch time before heading out for vacation.
I've offered a couple more people some keys to the Omnibus. Funny, but it turned out to be all guys. Any intrepid women out there willing to take the Omnibus out for a spin in my absence?
I've offered a couple more people some keys to the Omnibus. Funny, but it turned out to be all guys. Any intrepid women out there willing to take the Omnibus out for a spin in my absence?
Traveling Companions
I've had another note from Linda Mercer:
"Sorry that I have no time to get flowery and expressive in what I'm writing today because at this moment, there are more than 180 purebred cats in three major situations and various shelters who need our help NOW and again money is starting to get tight. Also, CFA Purebred Rescue is about to submit our 501(c)3 paperwork and doing so will further deplete our funds as well. Applying will cost us close to $1000 though in the long run it will help us apply for grants and provide tax deductions for those who donate. Many of you have been generous in the past. PLEASE dig deep into your pockets for any change you can spare. We have done wonders in the last 9 months for Purebreds all across the country and we can help ALL these cats but we can't do it without more of your kind help!
"For information on how to donate, go here."
Linda Pollack Mercer, M.D.
CFA Purebred Rescue Coordinator
Director, Operation Noble Foster
Director/Facilitator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue
Director, Persian Cat Rescue
Founder and Volunteer, The Feline Rescue Network
[Bus Driver's note: Rescues sometimes happen because of backyard or unethical breeders, but they also happen because of disasters -- natural and otherwise. Remember, it could be your pet that's in need of these services some day. Dig deep, please.]
Update: Linda says "please change 'close to $1000' to close to $700 since I'm told the CFA attorney will do the legal work gratis." Very cool.
She also said, "Please note that we often help with hoarder situations and also pull from shelters. In fact the ones you transported were shelter pulls and are likely dumps by owners... back yard breeders and unethical breeders have nothing to do with that directly, though may contribute indirectly by not screening and educating well enough. Personally, I'd prefer breeders not be mentioned at all, but that's my personal preference because people tend to generalize and then start thinking all breeders are bad and it ain't so!" [Too right. Look who's doing the purebred rescues!]
Speaking of rescues, this time it's a dog that's been rescued. If you live in or around Atlanta, please check out this post.
Update: The owner is found, but the fate of the doggie is still not completely settled.
"Sorry that I have no time to get flowery and expressive in what I'm writing today because at this moment, there are more than 180 purebred cats in three major situations and various shelters who need our help NOW and again money is starting to get tight. Also, CFA Purebred Rescue is about to submit our 501(c)3 paperwork and doing so will further deplete our funds as well. Applying will cost us close to $1000 though in the long run it will help us apply for grants and provide tax deductions for those who donate. Many of you have been generous in the past. PLEASE dig deep into your pockets for any change you can spare. We have done wonders in the last 9 months for Purebreds all across the country and we can help ALL these cats but we can't do it without more of your kind help!
"For information on how to donate, go here."
Linda Pollack Mercer, M.D.
CFA Purebred Rescue Coordinator
Director, Operation Noble Foster
Director/Facilitator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue
Director, Persian Cat Rescue
Founder and Volunteer, The Feline Rescue Network
[Bus Driver's note: Rescues sometimes happen because of backyard or unethical breeders, but they also happen because of disasters -- natural and otherwise. Remember, it could be your pet that's in need of these services some day. Dig deep, please.]
Update: Linda says "please change 'close to $1000' to close to $700 since I'm told the CFA attorney will do the legal work gratis." Very cool.
She also said, "Please note that we often help with hoarder situations and also pull from shelters. In fact the ones you transported were shelter pulls and are likely dumps by owners... back yard breeders and unethical breeders have nothing to do with that directly, though may contribute indirectly by not screening and educating well enough. Personally, I'd prefer breeders not be mentioned at all, but that's my personal preference because people tend to generalize and then start thinking all breeders are bad and it ain't so!" [Too right. Look who's doing the purebred rescues!]
Speaking of rescues, this time it's a dog that's been rescued. If you live in or around Atlanta, please check out this post.
Update: The owner is found, but the fate of the doggie is still not completely settled.
From the Rowdies in the Back of the Bus
Barrie sent a little message for anyone who entered childhood after 1980:
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning uphill both ways through year 'round blizzards carrying their younger siblings on their backs to their one-room schoolhouse where they maintained a straight-A average despite their full-time after-school job at the local textile mill where they worked for 35 cents an hour just to help keep their family from starving to death! And I remember promising myself that when I grew up there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!
Now that I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia!
And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it! I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet, we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damned library and look it up ourselves!
There was no email! We had to actually write somebody a letter-with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!
There were no MP3s or Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to go to the damn record store and shoplift it yourself! Or we had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd usually talk over the beginning and f@#* it all up!
You want to hear about hardship? You couldn't just download porn! You had to bribe some homeless dude to buy you a copy of "Hustler" at the 7-11! Those were your options!
We didn't have fancy shit like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal! And we didn't have fancy Caller ID boxes, either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was. It could be your boss, your mom, a collections agent, your drug dealer, you didn't know!!! You just had to pick it up and take your chances, mister
We didn't have any fancy Sony Play station videogames with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600, with games like "Space Invaders" and "Asteroids" and the graphics sucked ass! Your guy was a little square! You had to use your imagination! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!
When you went to the movie theater, there no such thing as stadium seating! All the seats were the same height! If a tall guy sat in front of you and you couldn't see, you were just screwed!
Sure, we had cable television, but back then that was only like 20 channels and there was no onscreen menu and no remote control! You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing. You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel and there was no Cartoon Network! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning...
...D'ya hear what I'm saying!?! We had to wait ALL WEEK, you spoiled little bastards!
We didn't have microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove. Imagine that! If we wanted popcorn, we had to use that stupid Jiffy Pop and shake it over the stove like an idiot forever.
That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy. You're spoiled. You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980!
Here's a little bit of high-brow humor for you.
For Zen Master Ken, here's a little post to inspire you as you are writing "The Zen of Ken." (A tip of the cap to Joe Katzman.)
Phantom has a cause you might want to support. Heh!
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning uphill both ways through year 'round blizzards carrying their younger siblings on their backs to their one-room schoolhouse where they maintained a straight-A average despite their full-time after-school job at the local textile mill where they worked for 35 cents an hour just to help keep their family from starving to death! And I remember promising myself that when I grew up there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!
Now that I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia!
And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it! I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet, we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damned library and look it up ourselves!
There was no email! We had to actually write somebody a letter-with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!
There were no MP3s or Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to go to the damn record store and shoplift it yourself! Or we had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd usually talk over the beginning and f@#* it all up!
You want to hear about hardship? You couldn't just download porn! You had to bribe some homeless dude to buy you a copy of "Hustler" at the 7-11! Those were your options!
We didn't have fancy shit like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal! And we didn't have fancy Caller ID boxes, either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was. It could be your boss, your mom, a collections agent, your drug dealer, you didn't know!!! You just had to pick it up and take your chances, mister
We didn't have any fancy Sony Play station videogames with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600, with games like "Space Invaders" and "Asteroids" and the graphics sucked ass! Your guy was a little square! You had to use your imagination! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!
When you went to the movie theater, there no such thing as stadium seating! All the seats were the same height! If a tall guy sat in front of you and you couldn't see, you were just screwed!
Sure, we had cable television, but back then that was only like 20 channels and there was no onscreen menu and no remote control! You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing. You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel and there was no Cartoon Network! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning...
...D'ya hear what I'm saying!?! We had to wait ALL WEEK, you spoiled little bastards!
We didn't have microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove. Imagine that! If we wanted popcorn, we had to use that stupid Jiffy Pop and shake it over the stove like an idiot forever.
That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy. You're spoiled. You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980!
Here's a little bit of high-brow humor for you.
For Zen Master Ken, here's a little post to inspire you as you are writing "The Zen of Ken." (A tip of the cap to Joe Katzman.)
Phantom has a cause you might want to support. Heh!
My sister-in-law will be glad to hear this.
What a dandy idea! I can think of a few other places where this technology would come in handy... like the theater, the opera, movie theaters.... Yep.
Egads! Richard Roeper and I agree on something. Here's another mental giant of a candidate for Mr. Darwin's short list.
I answered a neat survey here. I'm printing off a copy to keep, as there are a lot of people I've never heard of before, but you can bet I'm going to go back and read all about 'em. (A tip of the cap to Dean Esmay for the pointer.)
What a dandy idea! I can think of a few other places where this technology would come in handy... like the theater, the opera, movie theaters.... Yep.
Egads! Richard Roeper and I agree on something. Here's another mental giant of a candidate for Mr. Darwin's short list.
I answered a neat survey here. I'm printing off a copy to keep, as there are a lot of people I've never heard of before, but you can bet I'm going to go back and read all about 'em. (A tip of the cap to Dean Esmay for the pointer.)
Whoa! Is Cybil Shepherd auditioning to be the next Phyllis Diller?
Bizarre right up to the end, wasn't he? Stanley Kowalski and Mr. Peepers, together forever. The mind boggles.
Bizarre right up to the end, wasn't he? Stanley Kowalski and Mr. Peepers, together forever. The mind boggles.
Bus Fumes
Eew. Gross.
What full-fledged member of the Fraternal Order of the Flaming Fecal Fez dreamed up this nonsense? Sheesh. That's the best part of the school day.
Speaking of really bad ideas, this is another one. Sometimes I'm really glad I'm not a kid any more.
Pejman is correct. There are no words...
This is NOT good news. Damn. Roger's right. Read the whole thing.
I can't believe CBS hasn't fired Dan Rather, Mary Mapes and anyone else who worked on the Bush Texas ANG story. This isn't about politics. It's about making up a story out of whole cloth.
On more than one occasion I have threatened to have LoJack sensors sewn into the cuffs of my bosses' trousers so that I can track them down at any time. Mindles H. Dreck has come up with another use for them. It's a great idea. I also think we ought to consider these things mandatory equipment for our men and women in uniform. Wouldn't it be great to track down these scumbag vermin that way?
What full-fledged member of the Fraternal Order of the Flaming Fecal Fez dreamed up this nonsense? Sheesh. That's the best part of the school day.
Speaking of really bad ideas, this is another one. Sometimes I'm really glad I'm not a kid any more.
Pejman is correct. There are no words...
This is NOT good news. Damn. Roger's right. Read the whole thing.
I can't believe CBS hasn't fired Dan Rather, Mary Mapes and anyone else who worked on the Bush Texas ANG story. This isn't about politics. It's about making up a story out of whole cloth.
On more than one occasion I have threatened to have LoJack sensors sewn into the cuffs of my bosses' trousers so that I can track them down at any time. Mindles H. Dreck has come up with another use for them. It's a great idea. I also think we ought to consider these things mandatory equipment for our men and women in uniform. Wouldn't it be great to track down these scumbag vermin that way?
Wide Open Spaces
Spirit and Opportunity really should have been named Energizer and Bunny, don't you think?
Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
I'm headed off for vacation Friday night, and won't be back until October 12th. I've offered my buddy Zen Master Ken a set of keys to the Omnibus. Anybody else want to guest blog while I'm gone? It's easy and it's fun.
If you're interested, email me at gotb_58 at hotmail.com ASAP.
If you're interested, email me at gotb_58 at hotmail.com ASAP.
Roadside Diversions
I stumbled across a cool virtual whiteboard tool this morning. What makes it really neat is that you can invite others to join you, then send the results as an email. Go play among yourselves, okay? (And don't forget to email me your artwork!)
Once you're done playing, go visit the Carnival of the Vanities.
Once you're done playing, go visit the Carnival of the Vanities.
Bus Fumes
Alright, that's it! Who let these morons out without a leash? And I'd really like to know if they've had their rabies vaccines. I'll bet their mommies and daddies are real proud.
The Campaign Trail
I have an idea. Instead of Bush/Kerry and Cheney/Edwards debates, let's let these two debate. I can't think of a better way to settle it once and for all for the undecided voters out there.
Wide Open Spaces
Headline of the day. Too funny!
The contract is signed for work to begin on designing a space probe for Jupiter. I continue to find it amazing that the space program has come so far in such a short time.
The space station replacement crew is getting ready to go.
The contract is signed for work to begin on designing a space probe for Jupiter. I continue to find it amazing that the space program has come so far in such a short time.
The space station replacement crew is getting ready to go.
Proof positive that Mr. Darwin was correct. Wouldn't you love to be at the pearly gates to hear him give his explanation to St. Peter? These guys aren't much better.
This might just be the second best headline of the day. Kinda hard to take a terrorist seriously who hides bombs in his tighty-whities.
J-Walk's found a purty darned funny parody.
The Vatican, in an attempt to be "fly" has produced a new Latin dictionary. But just how "fly" is a dictionary that thinks "hot pants" is current slang? And, for heaven's sake, why would the Vatican need to have a word for them? (It's head-scratching time, kids.)
This might just be the second best headline of the day. Kinda hard to take a terrorist seriously who hides bombs in his tighty-whities.
J-Walk's found a purty darned funny parody.
The Vatican, in an attempt to be "fly" has produced a new Latin dictionary. But just how "fly" is a dictionary that thinks "hot pants" is current slang? And, for heaven's sake, why would the Vatican need to have a word for them? (It's head-scratching time, kids.)
I agree with Jeff Jarvis here. There is a strategy I think we should adopt, and quickly: ask our people on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan what it is they need to get the job done, and then give it to them. No armchair quarterbacking from D.C. No hesitation. No diplomatic interference that would put our people at risk. Just give'em what they tell us they need.
I'll bet you nickles to donuts that this guy and this guy would agree heartily. This one and this one, too. And this chick, as well.
I'll bet you nickles to donuts that this guy and this guy would agree heartily. This one and this one, too. And this chick, as well.
Whoa! I never thought I'd see this headline. Did you?
There's plenty to gawk at here, too.
There's plenty to gawk at here, too.
Traveling Companions
A Devon Rex rescue has arisen in New York state:
"Madison (5 years) and Bianca (2 years) have been sitting in the Humane Society of Walden ( NY) shelter for three weeks now. This mother and daughter Devon Rex duo are not tightly bonded, in fact, they fuss with each other so two separate homes would be the ideal for these little ones.
"They are presently on medication for drippy eyes - no sneezing and no coughing, fortunately.
"Walden, NY is located near West Point - about a half hour from the CT border.
"Is there someone in this area or within driving distance of this area who would do a breed identification and/or take these girls out of the shelter to foster? Is there someone on either of these lists who would or could offer one of these Devons a loving home?
"You may contact me at 978-282-4861 to receive Devon Rex Rescue League support with relocation, meds, advice or to volunteer to adopt if we can get the girls to you.
"Or, you may call the shelter directly at 845-778-5115.
"I am now going to comb my client files for families in the NY/CT area that have enquired about adopting one of my retired cats and ask that other breeders do the same thing as these girls have to find homes VERY soon!"
Gerri Logan
Loganderry Devon Rex
Update: Just got news of an urgent Persian rescue, as well:
I need a temporary foster (1-2 weeks) for 2 Persians - one of them a gorgeous red Persian with with URI that was pulled from a high kill shelter in MD today to prevent imminent euthanasia. I have a VERY temporary foster with a local rescue who has the cats in her bathroom because her feral cat rescue is full to the gills! PLEASE if you know of any rescue spots in MD or nearby D.C or Virginia or are in those areas and willing to foster and can isolate the cats, please let me know!!!!
OR if you can transport from MD to Western PA let me know!
Linda Pollack Mercer, M.D.
CFA Purebred Rescue Coordinator
Director, Operation Noble Foster
Director/Facilitator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue
Director, Persian Cat Rescue
Founder and Volunteer, The Feline Rescue Network
Linda also writes:
Western PA, OHIO - URGENT! Rescue needs cages!
There's a great new Rescue in Northern PA run by a very experienced rescuer working with a great vet. There are purebreds washing up on the shores of rivers there, and more purebreds in desperate need of rescue in MD that they are willing to take in. They have ordered some cages but need cages NOW. The cages have to be large enough for a cat to comfortably live for the duration of an isolation period. If you are in the local area and have any cages you could donate or we could buy at a reasonable rate and get to them, please let me know! Call me, as I will be online less than usual until Wednesday. Toll free 888-303-9454
"Madison (5 years) and Bianca (2 years) have been sitting in the Humane Society of Walden ( NY) shelter for three weeks now. This mother and daughter Devon Rex duo are not tightly bonded, in fact, they fuss with each other so two separate homes would be the ideal for these little ones.
"They are presently on medication for drippy eyes - no sneezing and no coughing, fortunately.
"Walden, NY is located near West Point - about a half hour from the CT border.
"Is there someone in this area or within driving distance of this area who would do a breed identification and/or take these girls out of the shelter to foster? Is there someone on either of these lists who would or could offer one of these Devons a loving home?
"You may contact me at 978-282-4861 to receive Devon Rex Rescue League support with relocation, meds, advice or to volunteer to adopt if we can get the girls to you.
"Or, you may call the shelter directly at 845-778-5115.
"I am now going to comb my client files for families in the NY/CT area that have enquired about adopting one of my retired cats and ask that other breeders do the same thing as these girls have to find homes VERY soon!"
Gerri Logan
Loganderry Devon Rex
Update: Just got news of an urgent Persian rescue, as well:
I need a temporary foster (1-2 weeks) for 2 Persians - one of them a gorgeous red Persian with with URI that was pulled from a high kill shelter in MD today to prevent imminent euthanasia. I have a VERY temporary foster with a local rescue who has the cats in her bathroom because her feral cat rescue is full to the gills! PLEASE if you know of any rescue spots in MD or nearby D.C or Virginia or are in those areas and willing to foster and can isolate the cats, please let me know!!!!
OR if you can transport from MD to Western PA let me know!
Linda Pollack Mercer, M.D.
CFA Purebred Rescue Coordinator
Director, Operation Noble Foster
Director/Facilitator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue
Director, Persian Cat Rescue
Founder and Volunteer, The Feline Rescue Network
Linda also writes:
Western PA, OHIO - URGENT! Rescue needs cages!
There's a great new Rescue in Northern PA run by a very experienced rescuer working with a great vet. There are purebreds washing up on the shores of rivers there, and more purebreds in desperate need of rescue in MD that they are willing to take in. They have ordered some cages but need cages NOW. The cages have to be large enough for a cat to comfortably live for the duration of an isolation period. If you are in the local area and have any cages you could donate or we could buy at a reasonable rate and get to them, please let me know! Call me, as I will be online less than usual until Wednesday. Toll free 888-303-9454
From the Rowdies in the Back of the Bus
For Kevin, Barrie, Walt, Judy, David... ah, heck! For anyone who's ever had to sit through a business meeting. Yep. That's exactly how it works. (A tip of the cap to Jay Solo.)
Oops! I almost forgot. This Sunday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Avast!!!
Oops! I almost forgot. This Sunday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Avast!!!
Bus Fumes
Maybe Kevin's correct. Rather must be handing us this load of codswallup to distract us from this. Gah!
Well, that's certainly the black calling the kettle pot, isn't it? (Hee hee hee! I just couldn't resist.)
From the Rowdies in the Back of the Bus
Too. Darned. Funny! Really. (A tip of the cap to the Instapundit.)
Oh! And then there's this. (Another tip of the cap to Jeff Goldstein.)
Too right.
Oh! And then there's this. (Another tip of the cap to Jeff Goldstein.)
Too right.
Bus Fumes
Is it me, or is this whole Dan Rather debacle starting to feel like a replay of Custer's Last Stand? Arrogance is going to be the death knell for Rather's career, I fear. I wonder how many of his troops will fall with him? Hmmm......
I find it fascinating that Killian's now 82 year old secretary remembers one Guardsman in particular after 30+ years. I've been an administrative professional since 1981, and I doubt if I could remember one person out of many, unless I'd spent an awful lot of time with them. If Rather is using this as his proof that the story has legs, he's standing on awfully shaky ground.
And another thing -- how in the heck did they track that woman down so fast? This just smells rotten.
They're spinning so fast and so furious that they must be dizzy as hell by now.
I find it fascinating that Killian's now 82 year old secretary remembers one Guardsman in particular after 30+ years. I've been an administrative professional since 1981, and I doubt if I could remember one person out of many, unless I'd spent an awful lot of time with them. If Rather is using this as his proof that the story has legs, he's standing on awfully shaky ground.
And another thing -- how in the heck did they track that woman down so fast? This just smells rotten.
They're spinning so fast and so furious that they must be dizzy as hell by now.
Roadside Diversions
The Carnival of the Vanities is having a birthday!
There's a new Storyblogging Carnival. (A tip of the cap to Dean Esmay.)
There's a new Storyblogging Carnival. (A tip of the cap to Dean Esmay.)
Traveling Companions
More orphans of the storm who had to travel a long way for shelter.
I told you that I really admire animal rescue coordinators. They do this stuff for free, and it's mighty complicated. For example, here's an e-mail I received today:
REASON FOR TRANSPORT: Temp Foster to Rescue
COMING FROM: Flat-Faced Friends
1913 Ross Court, Unit C
Fort Collins, CO
(970) 484-0111
DESTINATION: CFA Purebred Rescue
Crystal Lake, IL
CFA Purebred Rescue
Peggy Dial
Ragdoll Rescue USA/International
CFA Purebred Rescue Transport Coordinator
(618) 624-2511 Fax (618) 624-4492
NAME: Sasha
COLOR: White w/Copper eyes
AGE: 4-5 Years
GENDER: Female
HEALTH: Has a grade 3/4 heart murmur
CARRIER: Transporters Need To Provide
Saturday - September 18th & Sunday - September 19th
Leg 1 - Fort Collins, CO - Junction City, KS - FILLED
531 Miles 8 Hours THANKS LESLIE!
Depart: 9:00 AM Arrive: 6:00 PM
Leg 2 - Junction City, KS - Topeka, KS - FILLED
65 Miles 1 Hour 2 Minutes THANKS JANAY!
Depart: 6:15 PM Arrive: 7:15 PM
Leg 3-Topeka, KS - Grandview, MO - NEED
78 Miles 1 Hour 15 Minutes
Depart: 7:15 PM Arrive: 8:30 PM
Leg 1 - Grandview, MO - Sweet Springs, MO - FILLED
72 Miles 1 Hour 10 Minutes THANKS CARL!
Depart: 8:00 AM Arrive: 9:15 AM
Leg 2 - Sweet Springs, MO - Columbia, MO - NEED
62 Miles 1 Hour
Depart: 9:15 AM Arrive: 10:15 AM
Leg 3 - Columbia, MO - Danville, MO - NEED
46 Miles 44 Minutes
Depart: 10:15 AM Arrive: 11:00 AM
Leg 4 - Danville, MO - St. Charles, MO - NEED
61 Miles 1 Hour
Depart: 11:00 AM Arrive: 12:00 PM
Leg 5 - St. Charles, MO - Litchfield, IL - NEED
69 Miles 1 Hour 10 Minutes
Depart: 12:15 AM Arrive: 1:15 PM
Leg 6 - Litchfield, IL - Springfield, IL - NEED
46 Miles 50 Minutes
Depart: 1:15 PM Arrive: 2:00 PM
Leg 7 - Springfield, IL - Bloomington, IL - NEED
67 Miles 1 Hour 9 Minutes
Depart: 2:00 PM Arrive: 3:15 PM
Leg 8 - Bloomington, IL - Pontiac, IL - NEED
42 Miles 46 Minutes
Depart: 3:15 PM Arrive: 4:00 PM
Leg 9 - Pontiac, IL - Joliet, IL - NEED
60 Miles 1 Hour
Depart: 4:00 PM Arrive: 5:00 PM
Leg 10-Joliet, IL - Crystal Lake, IL - NEED
59 Miles 1 Hour 9 Minutes
Depart: 5:00 PM Arrive: 6:15 PM
[I can't go this time. Can you help?]
I told you that I really admire animal rescue coordinators. They do this stuff for free, and it's mighty complicated. For example, here's an e-mail I received today:
REASON FOR TRANSPORT: Temp Foster to Rescue
COMING FROM: Flat-Faced Friends
1913 Ross Court, Unit C
Fort Collins, CO
(970) 484-0111
DESTINATION: CFA Purebred Rescue
Crystal Lake, IL
CFA Purebred Rescue
Peggy Dial
Ragdoll Rescue USA/International
CFA Purebred Rescue Transport Coordinator
(618) 624-2511 Fax (618) 624-4492
NAME: Sasha
COLOR: White w/Copper eyes
AGE: 4-5 Years
GENDER: Female
HEALTH: Has a grade 3/4 heart murmur
CARRIER: Transporters Need To Provide
Saturday - September 18th & Sunday - September 19th
Leg 1 - Fort Collins, CO - Junction City, KS - FILLED
531 Miles 8 Hours THANKS LESLIE!
Depart: 9:00 AM Arrive: 6:00 PM
Leg 2 - Junction City, KS - Topeka, KS - FILLED
65 Miles 1 Hour 2 Minutes THANKS JANAY!
Depart: 6:15 PM Arrive: 7:15 PM
Leg 3-Topeka, KS - Grandview, MO - NEED
78 Miles 1 Hour 15 Minutes
Depart: 7:15 PM Arrive: 8:30 PM
Leg 1 - Grandview, MO - Sweet Springs, MO - FILLED
72 Miles 1 Hour 10 Minutes THANKS CARL!
Depart: 8:00 AM Arrive: 9:15 AM
Leg 2 - Sweet Springs, MO - Columbia, MO - NEED
62 Miles 1 Hour
Depart: 9:15 AM Arrive: 10:15 AM
Leg 3 - Columbia, MO - Danville, MO - NEED
46 Miles 44 Minutes
Depart: 10:15 AM Arrive: 11:00 AM
Leg 4 - Danville, MO - St. Charles, MO - NEED
61 Miles 1 Hour
Depart: 11:00 AM Arrive: 12:00 PM
Leg 5 - St. Charles, MO - Litchfield, IL - NEED
69 Miles 1 Hour 10 Minutes
Depart: 12:15 AM Arrive: 1:15 PM
Leg 6 - Litchfield, IL - Springfield, IL - NEED
46 Miles 50 Minutes
Depart: 1:15 PM Arrive: 2:00 PM
Leg 7 - Springfield, IL - Bloomington, IL - NEED
67 Miles 1 Hour 9 Minutes
Depart: 2:00 PM Arrive: 3:15 PM
Leg 8 - Bloomington, IL - Pontiac, IL - NEED
42 Miles 46 Minutes
Depart: 3:15 PM Arrive: 4:00 PM
Leg 9 - Pontiac, IL - Joliet, IL - NEED
60 Miles 1 Hour
Depart: 4:00 PM Arrive: 5:00 PM
Leg 10-Joliet, IL - Crystal Lake, IL - NEED
59 Miles 1 Hour 9 Minutes
Depart: 5:00 PM Arrive: 6:15 PM
[I can't go this time. Can you help?]
Chartered Excursions
Seems Greyhound is dropping hundreds of stops. What a shame.
I took the Greyhound from Boston to North Conway, NH during a Christmas break back when I was in college. A slow way to travel, but I have to admit that the scenery was beautiful.
I took the Greyhound from Boston to North Conway, NH during a Christmas break back when I was in college. A slow way to travel, but I have to admit that the scenery was beautiful.
The Campaign Trail.
Oh, goody. I can't wait. If you're as excited about this as I am (*yawn*), go over and give Eric Zorn a hand.
This is an exercise in creative recycling. Cool, cool, cool.
When I was growing up, if anyone in the family asked my mom where she got something, she'd say, "I stood outside the store and they threw it at me." Heh.
Jeff Goldstein riffs on Dan Rather's *um* "manly bits." Then the commenters have a field day. (You try reading it with a straight face. I sure couldn't.)
Good news from Iraq. Betcha won't hear any of this from Dan Rather, either. (A tip of the cap to Kathy Kinsley.)
When I was growing up, if anyone in the family asked my mom where she got something, she'd say, "I stood outside the store and they threw it at me." Heh.
Jeff Goldstein riffs on Dan Rather's *um* "manly bits." Then the commenters have a field day. (You try reading it with a straight face. I sure couldn't.)
Good news from Iraq. Betcha won't hear any of this from Dan Rather, either. (A tip of the cap to Kathy Kinsley.)
Roadside Diversions
The Carnival of the Cats is up at Sharp as a Marble. Apparently yours truly went crazy on Friday. (Gee. I thought I was just being a good citizen.)
Traveling Companions
See? I told you there are a ton of critters affected in disaster situations. Is your disaster plan in place?
Here's a little update to my Friday adventure:
It took five hours, round trip. I picked up 1 Himalayan and a passle of kittens. The kittens were definitely not Persians... just nice little moggies. (Some of those babies were REALLY babies.) The handoff was really fast -- just the secret handshake, load the car, and off we go. (Just kidding about the secret handshake... kind of.)
I always feel sorry for cats that are unused to traveling by car, so I practically talked myself hoarse trying to soothe them on the trip back to Chicago.
Another really fast handoff, and I headed home.
According to Linda Mercer, CFA's Pure-Bred Rescue Coordinator, "The older kittens are presently in foster and needs treatment for tapeworm and a terrible infestation of fleas." As for the bitty babies, "The ones I had here are also in foster, they are a LONG way from being adoptable yet."
As it turns out, one of my colleagues was out looking for a kitten through the Anti-Cruelty Society just this weekend, and there were no kittens available. I'm putting Suze in touch with the rescue folks. Who knows? This might really have been great karma!
P.S. -- I am never again buying a vehicle without OnStar. Ever. That is all.
Here's a little update to my Friday adventure:
It took five hours, round trip. I picked up 1 Himalayan and a passle of kittens. The kittens were definitely not Persians... just nice little moggies. (Some of those babies were REALLY babies.) The handoff was really fast -- just the secret handshake, load the car, and off we go. (Just kidding about the secret handshake... kind of.)
I always feel sorry for cats that are unused to traveling by car, so I practically talked myself hoarse trying to soothe them on the trip back to Chicago.
Another really fast handoff, and I headed home.
According to Linda Mercer, CFA's Pure-Bred Rescue Coordinator, "The older kittens are presently in foster and needs treatment for tapeworm and a terrible infestation of fleas." As for the bitty babies, "The ones I had here are also in foster, they are a LONG way from being adoptable yet."
As it turns out, one of my colleagues was out looking for a kitten through the Anti-Cruelty Society just this weekend, and there were no kittens available. I'm putting Suze in touch with the rescue folks. Who knows? This might really have been great karma!
P.S. -- I am never again buying a vehicle without OnStar. Ever. That is all.
Bus Fumes
What part of "deadly animals make lousy pets" don't some people understand???
Kevin referred me over to this post at the Daily Kos regarding the purported Bush military records. My point is, and remains, the story never should have been aired in the first place until all fact-checking had been completed.
If the documents are proven to be fake and they originated from the Kerry campaign, somebody's gonna have some 'splaining to do.
If the documents are proven to be real, then Mr. Bush is gonna have some 'splaining to do.
But the story and the documents should have been fact-checked into the ground before it ever got air time. And for that, Mr. Rather has some 'splaining to do.
I could write about this ad nauseum, but the Instapundit is all over it. Just click on over there.
Kevin referred me over to this post at the Daily Kos regarding the purported Bush military records. My point is, and remains, the story never should have been aired in the first place until all fact-checking had been completed.
If the documents are proven to be fake and they originated from the Kerry campaign, somebody's gonna have some 'splaining to do.
If the documents are proven to be real, then Mr. Bush is gonna have some 'splaining to do.
But the story and the documents should have been fact-checked into the ground before it ever got air time. And for that, Mr. Rather has some 'splaining to do.
I could write about this ad nauseum, but the Instapundit is all over it. Just click on over there.
At first I thought it was a joke, but, NO! There is actually a person named "Binky Garcia". How do I know? He (she?) works for my company. (Sorry. That just makes me giggle.)
On an entirely different subject, let's not forget what tomorrow is. Go visit Michele. She's got a story to tell you.
On an entirely different subject, let's not forget what tomorrow is. Go visit Michele. She's got a story to tell you.
Traveling Companions
I know I preach about rescues a lot, so I thought I'd put my money where my mouth is. Tonight, I'm going on an adventure. I'm driving to a McDonald's in Michigan City, Indiana to pick up a couple of litters of kittens, 1 Persian, 1 Himalayan and, I think, an Abyssinian. Then I'm headed back this way to meet the next driver... and at this point I'm not quite sure who that is going to be.
So far today I've responded to two e-mails, made two phone calls, and am awaiting one more, just to coordinate. (I take my cap off to anyone who coordinates rescues like this on a regular basis. I don't know how you do it.)
I don't know where these cats come from originally, and I'm not sure where they'll end up... but I know that they're going to be well cared for and well loved, and that's enough for me.
Tonight, I really will have traveling companions.
Update: One more phonecall incoming, two outgoing. Now I know who I'm meeting... but I just don't know WHERE.
Update: Okay, now I know where. The Petco parking lot at Harlem & Wilson, 9 p.m. Looking for a black Cavalier with Persians painted on it. (Shouldn't be hard to spot.)
As I told the rescue coordinator, I'm beginning to feel like one of Robin Hood's Merry Men... (Which is a neat trick for a chick.)
Update: No Aby. Persians and Hymmies only. The cats are coming from Ohio, by way of Michigan and Indiana. Ultimate home, Wisconsin. Just thought you'd like to know.
Update: Just heard back from Peggy Dial, one of the rescue coordinators: "Now I'm hoping for a short lull before the possible influx of animals coming from the evacuation areas in FL. Northwest Airlines has offered to fly them free! My question is, to where? Are we going to have to find rescue groups w/room to take them & then arrange the ground transports? Ugh We'll just have to wait & see. In the meantime, I think I may start asking everyone if they have room for any more, just in case."
Well? Have you got room? If so, email me, and I'll let her know.
So far today I've responded to two e-mails, made two phone calls, and am awaiting one more, just to coordinate. (I take my cap off to anyone who coordinates rescues like this on a regular basis. I don't know how you do it.)
I don't know where these cats come from originally, and I'm not sure where they'll end up... but I know that they're going to be well cared for and well loved, and that's enough for me.
Tonight, I really will have traveling companions.
Update: One more phonecall incoming, two outgoing. Now I know who I'm meeting... but I just don't know WHERE.
Update: Okay, now I know where. The Petco parking lot at Harlem & Wilson, 9 p.m. Looking for a black Cavalier with Persians painted on it. (Shouldn't be hard to spot.)
As I told the rescue coordinator, I'm beginning to feel like one of Robin Hood's Merry Men... (Which is a neat trick for a chick.)
Update: No Aby. Persians and Hymmies only. The cats are coming from Ohio, by way of Michigan and Indiana. Ultimate home, Wisconsin. Just thought you'd like to know.
Update: Just heard back from Peggy Dial, one of the rescue coordinators: "Now I'm hoping for a short lull before the possible influx of animals coming from the evacuation areas in FL. Northwest Airlines has offered to fly them free! My question is, to where? Are we going to have to find rescue groups w/room to take them & then arrange the ground transports? Ugh We'll just have to wait & see. In the meantime, I think I may start asking everyone if they have room for any more, just in case."
Well? Have you got room? If so, email me, and I'll let her know.
Bus Fumes
His own poor judgement and bad behavior got him into hot water in the first place, and now he sues the tabloids for ruining everything? Notice how this didn't make the headlines???
Everyone from the Instapundit on down is commenting on the revelation that the Bush military records are faked. Hugh Hewitt has the last word on what's wrong with big media... and why this particular story is bad news for the Kerry campaign. Gah! Why isn't the media fact checking itself?
One further observation: This is all over the blogosphere. You can't click a link without tripping over it. So why did my news radio station continue this morning with the story that Bush's record had been exposed and he'd been a very naughty boy, when that story was disproven last night? (Oops! I see they've changed their tune. And it's given above-the-fold attention. Good.) It's an under-the-fold headline on the Chicago Tribune website, same at the Chicago Sun-Times. I'll bet the network news services are downplaying this, as well. Clearly the blogosphere knows what people want to read (like the truth, not the spin), and serves it up in ample portions. Big media should pay attention.
Update: This story will also get little to no play in the big media. Mark my words.
Everyone from the Instapundit on down is commenting on the revelation that the Bush military records are faked. Hugh Hewitt has the last word on what's wrong with big media... and why this particular story is bad news for the Kerry campaign. Gah! Why isn't the media fact checking itself?
One further observation: This is all over the blogosphere. You can't click a link without tripping over it. So why did my news radio station continue this morning with the story that Bush's record had been exposed and he'd been a very naughty boy, when that story was disproven last night? (Oops! I see they've changed their tune. And it's given above-the-fold attention. Good.) It's an under-the-fold headline on the Chicago Tribune website, same at the Chicago Sun-Times. I'll bet the network news services are downplaying this, as well. Clearly the blogosphere knows what people want to read (like the truth, not the spin), and serves it up in ample portions. Big media should pay attention.
Update: This story will also get little to no play in the big media. Mark my words.
Another elegant low-tech solution to an irksome problem.
Richard Roeper gives a round-up of the silly, strange and sometimes sad stories of post-9/11. A must-read.
Richard Roeper gives a round-up of the silly, strange and sometimes sad stories of post-9/11. A must-read.
Bus Fumes
Some people don't have the brains God gave a gnat. Would someone PLEASE give these people a clue that shock, just for the shock value, is not art. And certainly not entertainment.
And here's another movie that just crying to be remade. Yech.
Karma. Gotta love it.
And it took them how long to figure this out? Great. Just great.
Yippee. More culturally enriching television on the way. I just can't wait.
Fact check. Fact check. Fact check, for cripes sake!
And here's another movie that just crying to be remade. Yech.
Karma. Gotta love it.
And it took them how long to figure this out? Great. Just great.
Yippee. More culturally enriching television on the way. I just can't wait.
Fact check. Fact check. Fact check, for cripes sake!
Wide Open Spaces
Ready for some good news from the cosmos for a change? Cassini has discovered a new ring around Saturn.
That almost makes up for this news. (Okay, even that news may have a bit of a silver lining.)
And here's some interesting news from Mars.
Yikes! I'm glad the crew on the International Space Station are taking this so calmly.
That almost makes up for this news. (Okay, even that news may have a bit of a silver lining.)
And here's some interesting news from Mars.
Yikes! I'm glad the crew on the International Space Station are taking this so calmly.
From the Rowdies in the Back of the Bus
Elizabeth reminds us that, given the number and severity of hurricanes this year, Floridians, in particular, need to be prepared:
We're about to enter the peak of the hurricane season. Any day now, you're going to turn on the TV and see a weather person pointing to some radar blob out in the Atlantic and making two basic meteorological points:
(1) There is no need to panic.
(2) We could all be killed.
Yes, hurricane season is an exciting time to be in Florida. If you're new to the area, you're probably wondering what you need to do to prepare for the possibility that we'll get hit by "the big one." Based on experience, we recommend that you follow this simple three-step hurricane preparedness plan:
STEP 1. Buy enough food, beer, and bottled water to last your family for at least three days.
STEP 2. Put these supplies into your car.
STEP 3. Drive to Nebraska and remain there until Halloween.
Unfortunately, statistics show that most people will not follow this sensible plan. Most people will foolishly stay here in Florida.
We'll start with one of the most important hurricane preparedness items:
HOMEOWNERS' INSURANCE: If you own a home, you must have hurricane insurance. Fortunately, this insurance is cheap and easy to get, as long as your home meets two basic requirements:
(1) It is reasonably well-built, and
(2) It is located in Nebraska.
Unfortunately, if your home is located in Florida, or any other area that might actually be hit by a hurricane, most insurance companies would prefer not to sell you hurricane insurance, because then they might be required to pay YOU money, and that is certainly not why they got into the insurance business in the first place. So you'll have to scrounge around for an insurance company, which will charge you an annual premium roughly equal to the replacement value of your house. At any moment, this company can drop you like used dental floss. Since Hurricane George, I have had an estimated 27 different home-insurance companies. This week, I'm covered by the Bob and Big Stan Insurance Company, under a policy which states that, in addition to my premium, Bob and Big Stan are entitled, on demand, to my kidneys.
SHUTTERS: Your house should have hurricane shutters on all the windows, all the doors, and -- if it's a major hurricane -- all the toilets. There are several types of shutters, with advantages and disadvantages:
Plywood shutters: The advantage is that, because you make them yourself, they're cheap. The disadvantage is that, because you make them yourself, they will fall off.
Sheet-metal shutters: The advantage is that these work well, once you get them all up. The disadvantage is that once you get them all up, your handswill be useless bleeding stumps, and it will be December.
Roll-down shutters: The advantages are that they're very easy to use, and will definitely protect your house. The disadvantage is that you will haveto sell your house to pay for them.
Hurricane-proof windows: These are the newest wrinkle in hurricane protection: They look like ordinary windows, but they can withstand hurricane winds! You can be sure of this, because the salesman says so. He lives in Nebraska.
Hurricane Proofing Your Property: As the hurricane approaches, check your yard for movable objects like barbecue grills, planters, patio furniture, visiting relatives, etc. You should, as a precaution, throw these items into your swimming pool (if you don't have a swimming pool, you should have one built immediately). Otherwise, the hurricane winds will turn these objects into deadly missiles.
EVACUATION ROUTE: If you live in a low-lying area, you should have an evacuation route planned out. (To determine whether you live in a low-lying area, look at your driver's license; if it says "Florida," you live in a low-lying area.) The purpose of having an evacuation route is to avoid being trapped in your home when a major storm hits. Instead, you will be trapped in a gigantic traffic jam several miles from your home, along with two hundred thousand other evacuees. So, as a bonus, you will not be lonely.
HURRICANE SUPPLIES: If you don't evacuate, you will need a mess of supplies. Do not buy them now! Florida tradition requires that you wait until the last possible minute, then go to the supermarket and get into vicious fights with strangers over who gets the last can of SPAM. In addition to food and water, you will need the following supplies:
Good luck, and remember: It's great living in Paradise.
Steve has a different take on disaster prepararation. Long live the King!
Quick! Somebody call the Relationship Police for these people.
We're about to enter the peak of the hurricane season. Any day now, you're going to turn on the TV and see a weather person pointing to some radar blob out in the Atlantic and making two basic meteorological points:
(1) There is no need to panic.
(2) We could all be killed.
Yes, hurricane season is an exciting time to be in Florida. If you're new to the area, you're probably wondering what you need to do to prepare for the possibility that we'll get hit by "the big one." Based on experience, we recommend that you follow this simple three-step hurricane preparedness plan:
STEP 1. Buy enough food, beer, and bottled water to last your family for at least three days.
STEP 2. Put these supplies into your car.
STEP 3. Drive to Nebraska and remain there until Halloween.
Unfortunately, statistics show that most people will not follow this sensible plan. Most people will foolishly stay here in Florida.
We'll start with one of the most important hurricane preparedness items:
HOMEOWNERS' INSURANCE: If you own a home, you must have hurricane insurance. Fortunately, this insurance is cheap and easy to get, as long as your home meets two basic requirements:
(1) It is reasonably well-built, and
(2) It is located in Nebraska.
Unfortunately, if your home is located in Florida, or any other area that might actually be hit by a hurricane, most insurance companies would prefer not to sell you hurricane insurance, because then they might be required to pay YOU money, and that is certainly not why they got into the insurance business in the first place. So you'll have to scrounge around for an insurance company, which will charge you an annual premium roughly equal to the replacement value of your house. At any moment, this company can drop you like used dental floss. Since Hurricane George, I have had an estimated 27 different home-insurance companies. This week, I'm covered by the Bob and Big Stan Insurance Company, under a policy which states that, in addition to my premium, Bob and Big Stan are entitled, on demand, to my kidneys.
SHUTTERS: Your house should have hurricane shutters on all the windows, all the doors, and -- if it's a major hurricane -- all the toilets. There are several types of shutters, with advantages and disadvantages:
Plywood shutters: The advantage is that, because you make them yourself, they're cheap. The disadvantage is that, because you make them yourself, they will fall off.
Sheet-metal shutters: The advantage is that these work well, once you get them all up. The disadvantage is that once you get them all up, your handswill be useless bleeding stumps, and it will be December.
Roll-down shutters: The advantages are that they're very easy to use, and will definitely protect your house. The disadvantage is that you will haveto sell your house to pay for them.
Hurricane-proof windows: These are the newest wrinkle in hurricane protection: They look like ordinary windows, but they can withstand hurricane winds! You can be sure of this, because the salesman says so. He lives in Nebraska.
Hurricane Proofing Your Property: As the hurricane approaches, check your yard for movable objects like barbecue grills, planters, patio furniture, visiting relatives, etc. You should, as a precaution, throw these items into your swimming pool (if you don't have a swimming pool, you should have one built immediately). Otherwise, the hurricane winds will turn these objects into deadly missiles.
EVACUATION ROUTE: If you live in a low-lying area, you should have an evacuation route planned out. (To determine whether you live in a low-lying area, look at your driver's license; if it says "Florida," you live in a low-lying area.) The purpose of having an evacuation route is to avoid being trapped in your home when a major storm hits. Instead, you will be trapped in a gigantic traffic jam several miles from your home, along with two hundred thousand other evacuees. So, as a bonus, you will not be lonely.
HURRICANE SUPPLIES: If you don't evacuate, you will need a mess of supplies. Do not buy them now! Florida tradition requires that you wait until the last possible minute, then go to the supermarket and get into vicious fights with strangers over who gets the last can of SPAM. In addition to food and water, you will need the following supplies:
- 23 flashlights
- At least $167 worth of batteries that turn out, when the power goes off, to be the wrong size for the flashlights.
- Bleach. (No, Idon't know what the bleach is for. NOBODY knows what the bleach is for, but it's traditional, so GET some!)
- A 55-gallon drum of underarm deodorant.
- A big knife that you can strap to your leg. (This will be useless in ahurricane, but it looks cool.)
- A large quantity of raw chicken, to placate the alligators. (Ask anybody who went through Hugo. After the hurricane, there WILL be irate alligators.)
- $35,000 in cash or diamonds so that, after the hurricane passes, you can buy a generator from a man with no discernible teeth.
Good luck, and remember: It's great living in Paradise.
Steve has a different take on disaster prepararation. Long live the King!
Quick! Somebody call the Relationship Police for these people.
What is it about boys and their toys? You can bet your sweet bippy no woman would ever have done that!
Book Your Ticket
I wanted to follow up to this post.
"The Center Ring," was a pure delight. Not just funny, but a sometimes hair-raising, sometimes heartbreaking look at a traveling circus. I actually liked this book more than "Roadshow," which got me hook on this series in the first place, because Jennings really makes the reader aware of just how fleeting the lifestyle is. And how ingeneous many of its "family" are.
Okay, I admit it. I fit a real cheezy bodice-ripper in before I opened the cover on "The Grand Promenade," which is Part 3 of the Spangle series. These books are like potato chips, I swear.
Oh, no! I'm almost out of books again!
"The Center Ring," was a pure delight. Not just funny, but a sometimes hair-raising, sometimes heartbreaking look at a traveling circus. I actually liked this book more than "Roadshow," which got me hook on this series in the first place, because Jennings really makes the reader aware of just how fleeting the lifestyle is. And how ingeneous many of its "family" are.
Okay, I admit it. I fit a real cheezy bodice-ripper in before I opened the cover on "The Grand Promenade," which is Part 3 of the Spangle series. These books are like potato chips, I swear.
Oh, no! I'm almost out of books again!
Traveling Companions
So THAT explains how a little bitty kitty who weighs less than six pounds soaking wet can hog my entire bed and a pillow, too. Yes. That's Miss Marilyn. (Thank goodness it's not just me who's bamboozled by an animal.)
Roadside Diversions
Carnival of the Vanities
Another carnival bites the dust. Shucks. If that's progress, send me back to the '60s and '70s.
Another carnival bites the dust. Shucks. If that's progress, send me back to the '60s and '70s.
How could they possibly be surprised by the enthusiastic response to requests for volunteers as a guinea pig for this product? My friends alone would make a line long enough to go around the block!
Hot diggity dog, she's back! Isn't it nice to see an artist whose priorities are truly in the right place?
We need more heroes like this in the world. Bless you, Mr. Kanidis, wherever you are. (A tip of the cap to Julia.)
Hot diggity dog, she's back! Isn't it nice to see an artist whose priorities are truly in the right place?
We need more heroes like this in the world. Bless you, Mr. Kanidis, wherever you are. (A tip of the cap to Julia.)
Bus Fumes
He left his mark, alright. A skid mark on the tracks. What an incredible waste. (A tip of the cap to Spoons.)
I'm with Acidman. Some people can suck the fun out of just about anything.
He left his mark, alright. A skid mark on the tracks. What an incredible waste. (A tip of the cap to Spoons.)
I'm with Acidman. Some people can suck the fun out of just about anything.
Bus Fumes
Do you fly Delta Airlines? If so, you might want to reconsider...
[And a note to those lovely people who claimed to be from Chicago and had the colossal nerve to make a soldier get off of a plane taking her home from Iraq: Chicago does NOT claim YOU, you gigantic asshats!]
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you can't negotiate with vermin. That's what exterminators are for. Seems I'm not alone in feeling that way.
The first sentence in this post is incorrect. It's not the human psyche that's revolted; it's the Western psyche. I finished reading "Inside the Kingdom" this weekend, and it was quite an eye-opener for me. It's a first-hand look at Wahabism, the most extreme form of Islam, from a Westerner's perspective. One of the things that becomes very clear is that women and children (especially girls) are considered chattal, and nothing more, in the Islamic culture. I can't imagine a true Wahabist even batting an eye at the Beslan massacre. And Carmen bin Ladin's observation that most Saudis can't be honest among their own families, let alone with foreigners, is terrifying in terms of whether or not a word coming out of the House of Saud is believable.
Anyway, run, don't walk, to your nearest bookstore and get the book. It's a fast... and fascinating... read.
Given the above, this doesn't surprise me at all. This either. I think we all better start educating ourselves better about extremist Islam.
[And a note to those lovely people who claimed to be from Chicago and had the colossal nerve to make a soldier get off of a plane taking her home from Iraq: Chicago does NOT claim YOU, you gigantic asshats!]
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you can't negotiate with vermin. That's what exterminators are for. Seems I'm not alone in feeling that way.
The first sentence in this post is incorrect. It's not the human psyche that's revolted; it's the Western psyche. I finished reading "Inside the Kingdom" this weekend, and it was quite an eye-opener for me. It's a first-hand look at Wahabism, the most extreme form of Islam, from a Westerner's perspective. One of the things that becomes very clear is that women and children (especially girls) are considered chattal, and nothing more, in the Islamic culture. I can't imagine a true Wahabist even batting an eye at the Beslan massacre. And Carmen bin Ladin's observation that most Saudis can't be honest among their own families, let alone with foreigners, is terrifying in terms of whether or not a word coming out of the House of Saud is believable.
Anyway, run, don't walk, to your nearest bookstore and get the book. It's a fast... and fascinating... read.
Given the above, this doesn't surprise me at all. This either. I think we all better start educating ourselves better about extremist Islam.
The Campaign Trail
Still undecided (you ign'rnt, know-nuthin', you)? QT 'splains how to pick the least objectionable candidate.
My pal Elizabeth offers up the Texas Solution To The Presidental Election:
Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union (please refer to the Texas-American Annexation Treaty of 1848).
We Texans love y'all, but we'll have to take action if Kerry wins over President Bush. We'll miss you, too.
Texas has given all those complainers plenty of time to get used to the results. After seeing the whiners along the campaign route, the folks from Texas are considering taking matters into our their hands.
Here is our solution:
#1: Let John Kerry become President of the United States. (all 49 states.)
#2: George W. Bush becomes the President of the Republic of Texas.
So what does Texas have to do to survive as a Republic?
1. NASA is just south of Houston, Texas. (we will control the space industry..)
2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States.
3. Defense Industry (we have over 65% of it). The term "Don't mess with Texas," will take on a whole new meaning.
4. Oil - we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. Yankee states? Sorry about that.
5. Natural Gas - Again we have all we need and it's too bad about those northern states. John Kerry will figure a way to keep them warm....
6. Computer Industry - we currently lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications: Small places like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Delphi, Nortel, Alcatel, Etc, Etc. The list goes on and on.
7. Health Centers - We have the largest research centers for Cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world and other large health planning centers.
8. We have enough colleges to keep us going: UT., Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Rice, SMU, University of Houston, Baylor, UNT, Texas Women's University, etc. Ivy grows better in the south anyway.
9. We have a ready supply of workers. (just open the border when we need some more)
10. We have control of the paper industry, plastics, insurance, etc.
11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard. We don't have an army but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an army in 24 hours if we need it. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over a couple Texas Rangers.
12. We are totally self sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables and lets not forget seafood from the gulf. And everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. Don't need any food.
This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic of Texas in good shape. There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.
Now to the rest of the United States under President Kerry:
Since you won't have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Kerry will be able to drive around in his 9 mile per gallon SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.
You won't have any TV as the space center in Houston will cut off your communications. You won't have any natural gas to heat your homes but since Mr. Kerry has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas.
Signed, The People of Texas
The Professor has a point.
My pal Elizabeth offers up the Texas Solution To The Presidental Election:
Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union (please refer to the Texas-American Annexation Treaty of 1848).
We Texans love y'all, but we'll have to take action if Kerry wins over President Bush. We'll miss you, too.
Texas has given all those complainers plenty of time to get used to the results. After seeing the whiners along the campaign route, the folks from Texas are considering taking matters into our their hands.
Here is our solution:
#1: Let John Kerry become President of the United States. (all 49 states.)
#2: George W. Bush becomes the President of the Republic of Texas.
So what does Texas have to do to survive as a Republic?
1. NASA is just south of Houston, Texas. (we will control the space industry..)
2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States.
3. Defense Industry (we have over 65% of it). The term "Don't mess with Texas," will take on a whole new meaning.
4. Oil - we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. Yankee states? Sorry about that.
5. Natural Gas - Again we have all we need and it's too bad about those northern states. John Kerry will figure a way to keep them warm....
6. Computer Industry - we currently lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications: Small places like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Delphi, Nortel, Alcatel, Etc, Etc. The list goes on and on.
7. Health Centers - We have the largest research centers for Cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world and other large health planning centers.
8. We have enough colleges to keep us going: UT., Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Rice, SMU, University of Houston, Baylor, UNT, Texas Women's University, etc. Ivy grows better in the south anyway.
9. We have a ready supply of workers. (just open the border when we need some more)
10. We have control of the paper industry, plastics, insurance, etc.
11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard. We don't have an army but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an army in 24 hours if we need it. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over a couple Texas Rangers.
12. We are totally self sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables and lets not forget seafood from the gulf. And everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. Don't need any food.
This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic of Texas in good shape. There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.
Now to the rest of the United States under President Kerry:
Since you won't have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Kerry will be able to drive around in his 9 mile per gallon SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.
You won't have any TV as the space center in Houston will cut off your communications. You won't have any natural gas to heat your homes but since Mr. Kerry has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas.
Signed, The People of Texas
The Professor has a point.
Wide Open Spaces
Hollywood meets NASA. How cool is that?
Seems that little devil Frances took a bite out of NASA, too.
Seems that little devil Frances took a bite out of NASA, too.
Chartered Excursions -- Iraq
Read it and weep (and you will). And then be proud -- damned proud -- of Marines like this one.
I heard a commercial on the radio this morning that had me in peals of side-splitting laughter on my way down Lake Shore Drive. It's an ad for Arlington Racetrack. The premise is that going to the track is more fun than golf. To prove it, they have an announcer doing color commentary on a frustrating round of gold, but in the style of a racetrack announcer.
I spewed coffee all over the dashboard when I heard, "And heeeeeeeeeeeeeere coooooooooooooooomes MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANIAC MAN!"
If you're from the Chicagoland area, be sure to keep an ear peeled for this one. And I sure hope it has a parallel TV commercial. Let me know if you see one!
(I know. This probably loses something in the translation. But it really was too funny not to share. I almost had to pull over, as I was laughing to hard to be driving safely.)
I spewed coffee all over the dashboard when I heard, "And heeeeeeeeeeeeeere coooooooooooooooomes MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANIAC MAN!"
If you're from the Chicagoland area, be sure to keep an ear peeled for this one. And I sure hope it has a parallel TV commercial. Let me know if you see one!
(I know. This probably loses something in the translation. But it really was too funny not to share. I almost had to pull over, as I was laughing to hard to be driving safely.)
Whaddaya say we set this guy up on a blind date with Courtney Love? Sounds like a match made in... well...
Gee. I guess a wardrobe malfunction can happen to anyone. Good thing Miss Universe has class and a sense of humor.
Gee. I guess a wardrobe malfunction can happen to anyone. Good thing Miss Universe has class and a sense of humor.
Book Your Ticket
No! No! Say it isn't so! For a bibliophile, this is an unspeakable horror.
I'm still in the middle of "The Center Ring," laughing all the way. (I ask you, with a circus named "Florian's Flourishing Florilegium of Wonders," how can you not giggle?) Usually I can blast through a book in a day, but this series is like a fine dinner -- who'd want to rush? I'd rather savor.
Next on the list? "Inside the Kindom: My Life in Saudi Arabia," by Carmen bin Ladin. Every review I've read has said that this gives a great perspective on life in Saudi Arabia... and an intimate view into the bin Ladin family. Can't wait!
Also teed up for the weekend: "A Bloodhound to Die For," by Virginia Lanier. I've read every book in this series, and mostly in hardbound because I'm just to impatient to wait that long. If you've ever wanted to know anything about how these beautiful dogs are trained and the conditions under which they work, these books are invaluable.
I'm still in the middle of "The Center Ring," laughing all the way. (I ask you, with a circus named "Florian's Flourishing Florilegium of Wonders," how can you not giggle?) Usually I can blast through a book in a day, but this series is like a fine dinner -- who'd want to rush? I'd rather savor.
Next on the list? "Inside the Kindom: My Life in Saudi Arabia," by Carmen bin Ladin. Every review I've read has said that this gives a great perspective on life in Saudi Arabia... and an intimate view into the bin Ladin family. Can't wait!
Also teed up for the weekend: "A Bloodhound to Die For," by Virginia Lanier. I've read every book in this series, and mostly in hardbound because I'm just to impatient to wait that long. If you've ever wanted to know anything about how these beautiful dogs are trained and the conditions under which they work, these books are invaluable.
Bus Fumes
If this is what beautiful looks like, the world is in trouble. Most of these women look positively anorexic. Ick.
Unbelievable. When all else fails, blame the kids. Argh!
When I read this, Ivana barf. Enough, already!
Good. Little bastards.
More from Logic & Sanity on the situation in Chechnia. Loads of pictures. How can any human being do this to another? Especially to a child? These murdering bastards are cowards. Every last one of them.
Here's one hostage's account.
Unbelievable. When all else fails, blame the kids. Argh!
When I read this, Ivana barf. Enough, already!
Good. Little bastards.
More from Logic & Sanity on the situation in Chechnia. Loads of pictures. How can any human being do this to another? Especially to a child? These murdering bastards are cowards. Every last one of them.
Here's one hostage's account.
Traveling Companions
The Cat Fanciers Association has a primer on disaster preparedness, with emphasis on planning for what to do with your cat (or dog) if you are forced to evacuate... or even if you are just battening down the hatches and riding the storm out.
On another note, please bear in mind that many elderly folks refuse to evacuate their homes because they refuse to leave their pets. If you have an elderly neighbor who has a pet and you live in an area prone to hurricanes, floods, tornadoes or the like, please reach out and help him or her put together a plan for the future, or to get out of harms way today. You just might save more than one life this way!
(A tip of the cap to Linda Peterson.)
On another note, please bear in mind that many elderly folks refuse to evacuate their homes because they refuse to leave their pets. If you have an elderly neighbor who has a pet and you live in an area prone to hurricanes, floods, tornadoes or the like, please reach out and help him or her put together a plan for the future, or to get out of harms way today. You just might save more than one life this way!
(A tip of the cap to Linda Peterson.)
Some people will do anything for attention. Gack.
Hey! Don't be blaming this on Western culture.
Kate once again cracks me up! Bet that would turn a head or two in any airport crowd!
Hey! Don't be blaming this on Western culture.
Kate once again cracks me up! Bet that would turn a head or two in any airport crowd!
The Campaign Trail
I've always liked Zell Miller. Now I admire him a whole lot more. (The man sure can deliver one whale of a speech, can't he?)
I usually enjoy Jeffrey Wells' movie review site, but in his discussion of the new French movie, "The World According to Bush," he said something that made my hair stand on end:
"The election, only two months from now, will be decided by the still-undecided's, which is to say less-than-well-educated, slow-to-rouse people in the hinterlands who tend to process the candidates by the standards of "The Dating Game." If only people out there had the intellectual resolve and character to look a bit more deeply into things....just a bit...but that doesn't seem likely."
Count me as one of those less-than-educated, slow-to-rouse people in the hinterlands. Yep. Personally, I can't ever remember struggling over who to vote for more. But what do I know? I'm an under-educated, slow-witted hick from the boonies, right? Just stuff it, Jeffrey, okay?
I usually enjoy Jeffrey Wells' movie review site, but in his discussion of the new French movie, "The World According to Bush," he said something that made my hair stand on end:
"The election, only two months from now, will be decided by the still-undecided's, which is to say less-than-well-educated, slow-to-rouse people in the hinterlands who tend to process the candidates by the standards of "The Dating Game." If only people out there had the intellectual resolve and character to look a bit more deeply into things....just a bit...but that doesn't seem likely."
Count me as one of those less-than-educated, slow-to-rouse people in the hinterlands. Yep. Personally, I can't ever remember struggling over who to vote for more. But what do I know? I'm an under-educated, slow-witted hick from the boonies, right? Just stuff it, Jeffrey, okay?
Bus Fumes
Is it me, or should these little monsters be punished the same way they punished that dog?
WTF is this about? Wanna bet the Brigadier-General is a Muslim, too? Sheesh. Why not take him to high tea at the Ritz, for cripes sake?
Here's the most detailed account of what's happening at that school in Russia. God, I hate terrorists. (A tip of the cap to Citizen Smash.)
WTF is this about? Wanna bet the Brigadier-General is a Muslim, too? Sheesh. Why not take him to high tea at the Ritz, for cripes sake?
Here's the most detailed account of what's happening at that school in Russia. God, I hate terrorists. (A tip of the cap to Citizen Smash.)
Wide Open Spaces
The search for intelligent life out there continues. Are we getting closer?
Maybe so. Eerie, huh?
(Is someone jotting all this down?)
Ooo! There's a look at China's space program here.
Maybe so. Eerie, huh?
(Is someone jotting all this down?)
Ooo! There's a look at China's space program here.
Think a small contribution won't make a difference? Take a peek at Chief Wiggles' latest update on Operation Give, and think again. Hearts and minds, folks. Hearts and minds.
Speaking of hearts, my sister is doing the Heart Walk this year. She emailed me the following:
Everyone knows someone affected by heart disease or stroke. In honor of my mother and father-in-law, I will be walking in this year’s American Heart Walk. I have set a personal goal to raise funds for the American Heart Association and need your help to reach my donation goal. We are raising critical dollars for heart disease and stroke research and education.
You can help me reach my goal by making a donation online. Click on this link and you will be taken to my personal donation page where you can make a secure online credit card donation. The American Heart Association's online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you prefer to donate less, you can do so by sending a check directly to me.
Your donation will help fight our nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers—heart disease and stroke. You are making a difference. Thank you for your support.
Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AHA - GMA - Downtown Chicago, IL
[And a big "thank-you" to anyone who joins me in supporting her!]
Speaking of hearts, my sister is doing the Heart Walk this year. She emailed me the following:
Everyone knows someone affected by heart disease or stroke. In honor of my mother and father-in-law, I will be walking in this year’s American Heart Walk. I have set a personal goal to raise funds for the American Heart Association and need your help to reach my donation goal. We are raising critical dollars for heart disease and stroke research and education.
You can help me reach my goal by making a donation online. Click on this link and you will be taken to my personal donation page where you can make a secure online credit card donation. The American Heart Association's online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you prefer to donate less, you can do so by sending a check directly to me.
Your donation will help fight our nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers—heart disease and stroke. You are making a difference. Thank you for your support.
Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AHA - GMA - Downtown Chicago, IL
[And a big "thank-you" to anyone who joins me in supporting her!]
From the Rowdies in the Back of the Bus
Eric cracks me up. There's nothing I love better than a well-told joke with great accents.
Speaking of great accent jokes, my brother-in-law sent this one, called "The Old Man Has a Point"
An old Italian Mafia Don is dying and he calls his grandson to his bed. "You lissin-a me. I wanna for you to taka my chrome-plated .38 revolver so you will always remember me."
"But, Grandpa. I really don't like guns. Howzabout you leava me your Rolex watch instead."
"Shaddup an lissin. Somma day you gonna runna da business. You gonna have a beautifula wife, lotsa money, a biga home and maybe a couple a bambinos. Somma day you gonna coma home and maybe find you wife inna bed with another man. Whadda you gonna do then? Pointa to you watch and a say, 'Times up'?"
Here's the stress-buster of the day. (A tip of the cap to Guy S.) May I have the giant economy-sized bottle, please?
So just pretend it's Monday, okay?
And then there's this. More side-splitting laughter from my end of the world.
Speaking of great accent jokes, my brother-in-law sent this one, called "The Old Man Has a Point"
An old Italian Mafia Don is dying and he calls his grandson to his bed. "You lissin-a me. I wanna for you to taka my chrome-plated .38 revolver so you will always remember me."
"But, Grandpa. I really don't like guns. Howzabout you leava me your Rolex watch instead."
"Shaddup an lissin. Somma day you gonna runna da business. You gonna have a beautifula wife, lotsa money, a biga home and maybe a couple a bambinos. Somma day you gonna coma home and maybe find you wife inna bed with another man. Whadda you gonna do then? Pointa to you watch and a say, 'Times up'?"
Here's the stress-buster of the day. (A tip of the cap to Guy S.) May I have the giant economy-sized bottle, please?
So just pretend it's Monday, okay?
And then there's this. More side-splitting laughter from my end of the world.
The Campaign Trail
This assumes that Alan Keyes had a mind to lose in the first place. I'm not so sure he ever did.
My sides still hurt from laughing at this. I don't think there's a single fruit loop missing from the bowl here. (A tip of the cap to Kathy Kinsley.)
I think this is a very valid question, don't you? If you want to be the Commander in Chief, you'd damn well better get to know the men and women who'll be serving under you.
Kevin sends this bit of political humor:
One day George W. Bush and Dick Cheney walk into a diner. A waitress walks up to them and asks if she can take their order. Bush leans close to her and says, "Honey, can I have a quickie?"
The waitress is appalled and yells at the President about women's rights and storms away.
Cheney then says to Bush, "George, its pronounced 'quiche'."
Now here's someone I'd like to meet. And the guy that took her up on her offer, too. There's not NEARLY enough of this going around these days. (A tip of the cap to the Instapundit.)
My sides still hurt from laughing at this. I don't think there's a single fruit loop missing from the bowl here. (A tip of the cap to Kathy Kinsley.)
I think this is a very valid question, don't you? If you want to be the Commander in Chief, you'd damn well better get to know the men and women who'll be serving under you.
Kevin sends this bit of political humor:
One day George W. Bush and Dick Cheney walk into a diner. A waitress walks up to them and asks if she can take their order. Bush leans close to her and says, "Honey, can I have a quickie?"
The waitress is appalled and yells at the President about women's rights and storms away.
Cheney then says to Bush, "George, its pronounced 'quiche'."
Now here's someone I'd like to meet. And the guy that took her up on her offer, too. There's not NEARLY enough of this going around these days. (A tip of the cap to the Instapundit.)
Has anyone told Acidman about this?
I'd be embarrassed, too. Sheesh. Great way to introduce yourself to the neighborhood.
I would have been willing to pay good money to see this bit of chastisement delivered in person. Ka-ching, Miss Manners! Nobody wields a bigger cluebat.
I'd be embarrassed, too. Sheesh. Great way to introduce yourself to the neighborhood.
I would have been willing to pay good money to see this bit of chastisement delivered in person. Ka-ching, Miss Manners! Nobody wields a bigger cluebat.
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