One of the side benefits of blogging is that you read... and, if you're really,
really lucky, you meet some of the smartest, funniest, best folks on the planet.
One of my hands-down favorites has penned his first magnum opus:
Go get yourself a copy
here. If you haven't already stumbled across
Ellison's 100-Word Stories, what are you waiting for?
Oh, man! I'm going to have to be toting one of
these doohickys when I next head down to Texas:
I bet I know
just the guy who needs a new toy for his
man room, too.
Yay! Finally a candidate who's platform is already fully articulated (even if I don't agree with all of it -- and I don't), and who doesn't flipflop at the drop of a hat.
Rachel Lucas and
Velociman are both
ripping into and
riffing on the
interesting world of
online dating. Given that I've had far more experience in the online, offline, video and every other kind of dating world than those two (and a dozen others that I can think of) put together (and we all know how much
I love dating), I have a few words of advice:
You're never going to find true love in the personals.*
1) It's an artificial construct from the get-go. People only show their idea of a shined up, happy face in their profiles -- NOT their real faces. And lots of people have more than one profile, under a variety of names. It's a virtual Fantasy Island out there -- with no
Ricardo Montalban to rescue you if the fantasy gets out of bounds, either.
2) Most of the people you meet through the personals are far more interested in what
they are looking for than in what
you are looking for. Really and truly. It doesn't matter how detailed you are in your personal wish/must list. Only
their personal laundry list is relevant here.
3) Do you really want a relationship that requires passing both a resume
and a job interview?
4) Do you really think you'll find anyone capable of living life at your expectation level in the personals? Hell no!
5) Most people who do the personals fit into one of two slots -- those who are looking to get laid, and those who are looking for their perfect soul mate (a myth, I'm telling you). Either way you look at it, you're looking at folks with wildly unreasonable expectations.
6) By its very nature, internet dating is long on speed and short on stamina. Dunno about you, but it's not the way I'd like
my relationships to work out.
7) There's a difference in how you are perceived right from the beginning if someone notices you and zooms in on you and just how special/gorgeous/witty/intelligent/articulate you are, rather than by
you standing in a crowd of thousands jumping up and down and waving your hand in the air and yelling, "Pick me! Ooo! Ooo! Pick me!" There's
nothing in the world like looking into a pair of eyes with surprise and recognition in a chance meeting (even if you're making your own chances). And in taking all the time in the world to get to know each other better.
If you want to meet great people, you've got to get off your behind and get yourself out to wherever it is they go.
1) I can't believe I'm recommending this, and the ladies of the blog world may curse my name all over Chicago, but V-Man -- you really ought to make a trip to Chi-Town in July and crash every one of the cocktail parties you can at
this shindig. Jeebus. If you can't find a ballsy, brainy, sexy woman there, you can't find one
anywhere. (Yeah, yeah, yeah -- I know it's supposed to be a female-only thing. But have you ever known a single woman with a few cocktails under her belt who
didn't ogle the goodies? And your goodies are very ogle-able, indeed.)
2) Take your laptop and head to the nearest bookstore cafe or Starbucks. Write long posts for your blog
OR (my personal recommendation) get to work on your book about
the Senator. Brainy women melt over stuff like this, m'kay? (And the rest of us blown-eyeds just want to get our hands on that book....)
3) Take
the dog out to a dog park. Or for a long walk in any nearby downtown area on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. A happy dog, even an ugly one, is babe-fodder. Trust me.
4) If all else fails, go to the nearest martini bar and break out
Spanky the Monkey. If a classy woman can't find the humor in Spanky, she's just not worth the trouble.
One more suggestion. Heh.
Rachel:1) Forget it. I see
you've solved that problem on your own. (Yay for you!) But call me if things fall through. I've got tons of great ideas.
Yep. I really do hate dating. But if you're going to do it, by crikey, do it right!
*But you might just find him/her through blogging. Just ask
these two crazy kids. Or
these two.