Tootin' the Horn

Someone in Dekalb needs to email me. There's a Potbelly's gift certificate in it for you!
I'll never know how many actual hits I've had, as I didn't even install the site meter until I'd been blogging for over a year... but... 20,000. That's a lot of hits.
Each and every one of you who has dropped by have been and continue to be greatly appreciated!
Sun of a gun! Another dear blogging friend is celebrating a big mile marker. Go send him warm farookin' wishes.
Click here and find even more things to celebrate today!
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probablyPhysical Touch
with a secondary love language being
Quality Time.
Complete set of results
Physical Touch: | 8 | |
Quality Time: | 7 | |
Acts of Service: | 5 | |
Words of Affirmation: | 5 | |
Receiving Gifts: | 4 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.Take the quiz
These things are spookily acccurate more often than not.
(A tip of the cap to the Desert Cat.)
If Kate thinks not owning an iPod is a shameful secret, what in the heck would she think if she knew that I haven't had (or particularly missed) a television since the beginning of July? And I don't have a stereo in the house, either -- just a CD player in the car. My favorite forms of amusement? Either reading, or listening to talk radio. I'm living in the Dark Ages, I know...
Makin' A List
For Dax, who bug blogs on a regular basis:

For Contagion and T1G, who beer blog from time to time:

For Yabu, who knows the true meaning of bad, bad juju:

For Mr. Debonnaire Hizzownself, I just couldn't choose between this:

For Og. He knows why!

And for Livey, who crap blogs from the North Woods:

I imagine we'll be hearing "wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" a lot at the next Jawja Blodgemeet.
Gotta get back to my shopping...
And wouldn't you know it? I found the perfect gift for Vicky's daughter.

Back to shopping...
It's things like this that remind me of Old Crankypants:

A couple of Jedi tests for Deb and Barb:
Jedi Knight You scored 63 on the Force Sensitivity/Jedi Chart! | ||
Other Jedi like you: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Leia Organa Solo, Anakin Skywalker (before turn), Ki-Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura and Revan(after rescue) You are a Jedi Knight, the symbol of what is good and just in the galaxy. You are in control of your feelings though you may rarely do something considered dark or think of yourself before others. Hardly any darkness makes it through you. You are a very skilled fighter and have heightened mental and athletic abilities only other can dream of. You use your abilities not for yourself though but to help others, and while you have probably killed, it was either in defense of others or in defense of yourself. You prefer to negotiate or detain rather then kill as both give your soul much easier rest. You command the respect of a great many and as many Jedi were you are probably a high ranking officer in an army. You have little left to accomplish as becoming a Master is a matter of completely giving yourself to the Force and being respected by other Jedi. Teach yourself new things and seek out training you have not had yet and you may very well become a Jedi Master. Be wary of the Sith, as they will seek to destroy and those around you. ____________ Thank you for taking my test, if you have any comments, complaints or anything you'd like to see changed/added, please contact me through here or my email ( | ||
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Jedi Test written by zabomb on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
I am a Shadow Jedi leaning light
"Just push yourself a bit more and you can make it to be a light Jedi my friend! Remember to always keep your cool, and try to help others in need. By the looks of it you always wish to help people but would want to be left alone when you're down in the dumps and wouldn't want to be bothered."
True Jedi Test By Ocean-Saurian and PrincessLeia2
(Link restored)
Only a kick-ass gal like Nancy could find humor like this in the middle of being treated for a pulmonary embolism and a blood clot in her leg:
Lovely lady, my roomie. She was a little confused while I was there. All the while, the nurses and doctors and therapists would come in and assess her cognitively. One question came up again and again. "Do you know what the date is?" One time, she answered 1996. The doctor gently corrected her and told her that it was actually 2006. My dear roomie said, "Well. No wonder I'm so tired, traveling all that time at once." I wish I could have seen her doctor's face.Go send her get well wishes.
(Sheesh. The things I miss when my life gets out of control. But, guys? Even if I'm not able to read your blogs, I'm checking email at least a couple of times a day. For goodness sake, please make sure to let me know about stuff like this in the future, okay?)
This guy, on the other hand, always cracks me up: "Fuzzy crapper seat covers are the tool of satan."
Bus Fumes
I'm rendered completely speechless.
"Black leaders on Monday challenged the entertainment industry, including rap artists, actors and major studios, to stop use of the racial slur that triggered the Michael Richards scandal." [Emphasis mine.]_____
One more sign the Apocalypse is near?
For those of us who can't take any form of hormone supplements or replacements (blood clots run in the family), this would be a Godsend.
And let's not even get into the shouldering responsibility equally discussion...
Tootin' the Horn

I'm sorry I'm late, but sincere in warm and loving birthday wishes.
Moving and unpacking stuff I haven't looked at in 2 or more years...
...but needed right now
Putting together several pieces of furniture
(Fastest cordless screwdriver in Des Plaines!)
Cleaning up and throwing out packing materials
(Lots of packing materials)
Cleaning house
Cooking and serving Thanksgiving dinner for my family

See you next week!
Bus Fumes

The Dueling Meme
Popcorn or candy? Popcorn! Extra butter and salt.
Name a movie you’ve been meaning to see forever: Who could pick just one? I’m waaaaaaaaay behind in my movie-going.
You are given the power to recall one Oscar. Who loses theirs, and to whom? Marlon Brando’s 1972 Best Actor award, which he refused. You don’t spit on the Academy. I would have given it to Paul Winfield for Sounder.
Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe. Which will it be? Glinda the Good Witch’s dress – including wand and tiara. Man, would TMBCITW love to see me decked out in that get-up!
Your favorite film franchise is… The old black & white Tarzan movies.
Invite five movie people over for dinner. Who are they? Why’d you invite them? What do you feed them? Bette Davis. Lillian Gish. Kathleen Turner. Brian Dennehy. Gregory Peck. Champagne, smoked salmon on toast points, caviar and blini, for starters. Who cares about the rest? Can you imagine the conversation? Who could focus on food at a time like that?
What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater? Death by Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator.
Choose a female bodyguard: Ripley from Aliens, Mystique from X-Men, Sarah Connor from Terminator 2, the Bride from Kill Bill, Mace from Strange Days. Eew! If I have to have a bodyguard, please can’t I have Kevin Costner?
What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever seen in a movie? Adam Sandler. No… wait! Dolly Parton and Sylvester Stallone together in a romantic comedy.
Your favorite genre (excluding comedy and drama) is? Buzby Berkley musicals.
You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power? I round up all of my favorite authors and pair them with great screenwriters. Strong story lines with emphasis on character and plot, rather than special effects. Then I’d hand pick directors for each film, and give them free reign in casting selection, with incentives for finding fresh talent. No reruns. No derivatives.
Bonnie or
Who are you tagging to answer this survey?
Sorry. Tag your own self, if you like._____
The Princess Mom called me today to check and see if I had gotten the travel packet for our upcoming cruise yet.
Nope. I haven't received a thing.
Well, she said, that's odd. I've had my information packet for a couple of weeks already.
(Let's just say she was ready to hold a Southern Baptist tent revival-sized Come-to-Jesus meeting with her travel agent later today.)
Hmmm. At that moment I had a brainwave and asked her what address she had given the poor schmo.
Well, ____________________ Ave., Chicago. Why?
Ummm, Mom? I haven't lived at that address or in that city for well over a year. Helloooooo??? We spent how many weekends furniture shopping for a new apartment in what city this summer?
I swear she sounded just like Emily Litella: Oh. Never mind.
(And, no -- it's not old timer's disease. She's always been like this.)
Karma. Ain't it a beautiful thing when it works?
Your Expression Number is 6 |
You have an outstanding sense of responsibility, love, and balance. You are helpful and inclined to comfort those in need. You have many artistic and creative talents, but you only use them to better others. You are loving, friendly, and appreciative of others. You have a depth of understanding that produces much kindness and generosity. Openness and honesty are apparent in your approach to all relationships. Sometimes, you can be too demanding of yourself. At times, you tend to sacrifice yourself for the welfare of others. At other times, you have trouble distinguishing between helping and interfering. |
Yeesh. These things sometimes strike awfully close to the bone.
One more thing:
Your Quirk Factor: 57% |
You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it. Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them! |
Tootin' the Horn

(Hey -- I'll do anything to make a pal happy!)
Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.
How Massachusetts are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
Despite my accent, both my mother and my father graduated from Belmont High School and I was born at Mt. Auburn Hospital. Heh! I guess it really does show.
(Thanks, Jay! That was a wicked pissa, indeed. My rellies would be so proud.)
Tootin' the Horn

Happy belated birthday to the Queen of Restroom Revelations, who certainly should have a special place of her own in the Hall of Fame!
You are The High Priestess
Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.
The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
The End of the Line
Sheila Brodsky was one hell of a gal. Rape survivor. Not victim. Survivor. Married to the cop who caught the case, the perp and Sheila's heart. Funny, feisty and highly respected, she was always happiest when surrounded by friends, and sipping a tasty scotch and water.
She left this world in J.J.'s arms. That's the only thing that's fair about her death at all.
Her whiskey voice, big-ass grin and sparkling eyes will be missed by all who knew and loved her.
My thoughts and prayers go out to J.J. and the rest of the family.
(And she probably would have gotten a huge kick out of the fact that the ad above her obit contains dancing cowboys. Seriously. Hold your cursor over that ad and those cowboys boogie. Delicious irony. Sheila always loved a guy in a cowboy hat!)
Update: The ads change every time you click on that Tribune link. If you happen to spot the boring mortgage ad with guys in silhouette from the waist up, wearing cowboy hats, that's the ad. Sorry.
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop." | |
The Northeast | |
Philadelphia | |
The Midland | |
The South | |
Boston | |
The West | |
North Central | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
(A tip of the cap to Barry Campbell.)
Ah! So this is why my friend Barrie wants to become a librarian. That explains everything.
Quote of the Day:
“Leadership in large public institutions requires a skill set different from the private sector,” Gates told me. “A&M and the CIA have this in common. Professionals in the organization got there before you were there and will be there after you leave. For changes to last, the professionals have to assimilate the changes and make them their own. My time here is finite. I want to build something that will long outlast me.”For all my liberal friends who are afraid Mr. Gates is cut from too conservative a cloth, go read the whole article. This guy sounds like him might just be what the doctor ordered in D.C.
(A tip of the cap to Virginia Postrel.)
While some of the patronage-as-usual Illinois Dems elected didn't make me one bit happy, this article certainly does give me some hope that we're veering wildly toward the center -- and not so far off to the left.
Tootin' the Horn

P.S. -- Lisa, I told you I'd get these pictures to you sooner or later!
Regularly Scheduled Stop
What's Therapy Night, you ask?
You drink the truth serum.
You examine whatever issues you wish to examine, in a highly therapeutic manner (laughter, and loads of it) designed to relieve stress, anxiety, anger and/or depression.
What happens on Therapy Nights stays on Therapy Nights. No tattling to friends and loved ones. Promises are kept. Lips are zipped.
You leave your troubles on the bar when you walk out the door at the end of the therapy session.
(And if you indulge a little too much in the truth serum, it's crawling distance to both Ogilvy Transportation Center

Sound like fun? Then you're welcome to join us.
Enter from Clinton Street, halfway between Madison and Monroe. It's less confusing that way.
P.S. -- Ladies, I don't supposed I'd get any takers if I hosted a "hot bartenders" tour of Chicago some Saturday evening, would I?
(If that image doesn't make your bits clench, nothing else will.)
Awl-righty, then.
(A big tip of the cap to BabsRN. That was an image that needed searing into my brain. Really.)
Quote of the Day, V. 2: "I wish the hell I had a camera or at least a drink because this was getting to be better than HBO."
Tootin' the Horn

Bus Fumes
(If you see footage of someone hip-checking one of those doofuses to get him out of her way, yeah, that was me.)
Just what exactly was the point of that whole stupid exercise, anyway?
(I'm not a morning person. I usually don't utter a word until I've gotten to my office and had my second cup of coffee of the day. I get cranky when people in front of me dawdle coming off the train and into the station in the morning anyway. Someone blocking my path for no good reason is like waiving a red flag in front of a bull. Not pretty. Not pretty at all.)
I am, however, giggling myself silly over the Wonderbro. Hoooo-eeee, baby! (I wonder if it comes in an underwire version?)
Dammit! I really want to like the guy, but he's giving me gray hairs.
The Durbinator, on the other hand, has always been an asshat of the spectacularly flaming variety.
Quote of the Day:
I just love the LawDog.
This would seriously piss me off. I've gotten to the point where I really dislike shopping anyway. This might push me into exclusively shopping via e-tailers.
While Todd Stroger is out making an ass of himself on the campaign trail, Bobbie Steele has been quietly and effectively working to clean up Cook County during her interim appointment. The Dems made a huge strategic error when they chose Stroger Jr. over this incredible woman.
The biggest shame of all? If the Toddster actually manages to get himself elected, he'll likely muck up every good thing that Steele has accomplished, all in the name of cronyism. Grrrr!
Speed Racer the movie? My brother will be first in line!
Blame it on Poppy Cedes. I just couldn't resist.

What sorrow it is to drink alone! We have heard the pleas of our sodden friend Drinky Crow and now present to you the glory that is UNCLE GABBY. Fresh from the pages of Maakies by Tony Millionaire, Uncle Gabby stands eight inches tall, dresses to the left and is currently suffering from acute earwax build-up. Beneath his hat lurks his brain that has a mind of its own. His arms can flail, his hat can be doffed and his brain can wander off to greener pastures. Truly a better toy was never made.At last, a soul mate for V-Man. And he's on sale, too. Cheap even. I'm telling you, it's a match made in...
Tootin' the Horn

I just discovered that my Site Meter is edging towards the 20,000 visit mark.
While it gives me no real indication of just how many unique passages you lovely folks have taken on this here Omnibus (because I didn't set one up until I'd been at it for at least nine months, and probably closer to the one year mark), on the other hand, it makes me feel a bit like Sally Field when she won her Oscar for Norma Rae. You like me. You really like me.
Aw, shucks.
Wait a minute, Samantha. I can think of at least a couple of ladies who'd be happy to volunteer for that duty!
In fact, you might as well count me in, too. Anything less would be unpatriotic.
Oh. And when you need to line up a good excuse for what happened and why, your Alcohoroscope offers as good as any.
So what's my own excuse?
Leo likes to drink and dance--they're often fabulous dancers, and usually pretty good drinkers as well, losing their commanding dignity and turning kittenish. Of course, they're quite aware they're darling--Leos will be Leos, after all. They generally know their limit, probably because they loathe losing self-control. When they get over-refreshed, expect flirting to ensue--and perhaps not with the one what brung them. But Leo's not the type to break rules even when drunk, so just try to ignore it (try harder, Cancer) and expect a sheepish (and hung over) Lion to make it up to you the next day.Scary, man.
So... it's not just the tree rats getting squirrelly on addictive substances. Is nothing sacred any more? Not even nature?