Leslie's Omnibus

Traveling Companions

I've had another note from Linda Mercer:


"Sorry that I have no time to get flowery and expressive in what I'm writing today because at this moment, there are more than 180 purebred cats in three major situations and various shelters who need our help NOW and again money is starting to get tight. Also, CFA Purebred Rescue is about to submit our 501(c)3 paperwork and doing so will further deplete our funds as well. Applying will cost us close to $1000 though in the long run it will help us apply for grants and provide tax deductions for those who donate. Many of you have been generous in the past. PLEASE dig deep into your pockets for any change you can spare. We have done wonders in the last 9 months for Purebreds all across the country and we can help ALL these cats but we can't do it without more of your kind help!

"For information on how to donate, go here."

Linda Pollack Mercer, M.D.
CFA Purebred Rescue Coordinator
Director, Operation Noble Foster
Director/Facilitator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue
Director, Persian Cat Rescue
Founder and Volunteer, The Feline Rescue Network

[Bus Driver's note: Rescues sometimes happen because of backyard or unethical breeders, but they also happen because of disasters -- natural and otherwise. Remember, it could be your pet that's in need of these services some day. Dig deep, please.]

Update: Linda says "please change 'close to $1000' to close to $700 since I'm told the CFA attorney will do the legal work gratis." Very cool.

She also said, "Please note that we often help with hoarder situations and also pull from shelters. In fact the ones you transported were shelter pulls and are likely dumps by owners... back yard breeders and unethical breeders have nothing to do with that directly, though may contribute indirectly by not screening and educating well enough. Personally, I'd prefer breeders not be mentioned at all, but that's my personal preference because people tend to generalize and then start thinking all breeders are bad and it ain't so!" [Too right. Look who's doing the purebred rescues!]

Speaking of rescues, this time it's a dog that's been rescued. If you live in or around Atlanta, please check out this post.

Update: The owner is found, but the fate of the doggie is still not completely settled.

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