Leslie's Omnibus

The Campaign Trail

I've always liked Zell Miller. Now I admire him a whole lot more. (The man sure can deliver one whale of a speech, can't he?)

I usually enjoy Jeffrey Wells' movie review site, but in his discussion of the new French movie, "The World According to Bush," he said something that made my hair stand on end:

"The election, only two months from now, will be decided by the still-undecided's, which is to say less-than-well-educated, slow-to-rouse people in the hinterlands who tend to process the candidates by the standards of "The Dating Game." If only people out there had the intellectual resolve and character to look a bit more deeply into things....just a bit...but that doesn't seem likely."

Count me as one of those less-than-educated, slow-to-rouse people in the hinterlands. Yep. Personally, I can't ever remember struggling over who to vote for more. But what do I know? I'm an under-educated, slow-witted hick from the boonies, right? Just stuff it, Jeffrey, okay?

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