Why are you running?
Club girl Suzy McCoppin says, "We always ask ourselves before we do a story, 'Is this going to hurt their marriage?' or 'Is this going to hurt their career?' " McCoppin said. "And if the answer is yes, we try to avoid it or soften it."
I call bullshit... and the article bears that out: "'Tacky aside, I will look tacky for $40,000!' she said." Obviously.
I need a shower. That whole story carries a stink that just won't wash off easily.
I find it interesting that the Chicago Tribune gives no credit to Sean Wasson, a/k/a The News Junkie, for his successful radio campaign which, I believe, played a major role in this success story:
The controversial American arm of an international Islamic group has been bounced from the Marriott in Oak Brook, where organizers were set to host the group's second annual conference this Sunday.For at least three weeks running, Wasson blasted the Marriott on his WGN radio show, and he exhorted his listeners to call the Marriott's main number, as well as the reservation desk at the Oak Brook to express their outrage at Marriott's welcome of Hizb ut-Tahrir.
On more than one occasion, a Marriott called Wasson and begged him to call off the dogs. That, of course, only encouraged him to turn up the heat.
Well done, sir!
Ear Worm of the Day:
Good for him! The Islamification of the world is horrible!! I read Atlas Shrugs blog by Pam Gellar and follow Wilders in Amsterdam - really disturbing, but stuff I had no idea was happening! http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/
Miss you,
Bubba Shot The Jukebox is a secret favorite of mine!
It's no secret that I love me some redneck music...
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