It's more than 7 dirty words... and imagine them all spoken very sweetly by Aunt Bea's doppelganger...
I dare you not to laugh out loud!
Jihad Gene says, "It's Friday! Let's dance!"

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... reminds me of my own personal favorite karaoke selection:
Billy Sweetfeets Gingersnap Norton (a/k/a the Orinch Meniss) channels a really menacing orange!
The Cheesiest Guy I know fires up his Little White Chune Box.
What kicks your karaoke box over?
Pat Hickey's making a little Friday Night Noise.
Kerrcarto's giving a Rebel Yell.
You brought up Gingersnaps...did you know Ginger Snaps, the burlesque queen, just passed away? Actually, there were three burlesque queens who just died recently.
Don't know why I felt the need to share that.
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