Once you start perusing Happy Chair is Happy... you start seeing this stuff everywhere! (Go vote for this one here.)
After all the crappy things in the news lately, stories like this are lovely. (Anyone who's ever had a beloved stuffed animal will agree!) I hope Meare-Cat does make it home again...
See? The Answer Angel kept her word! (Thanks, Ellen!)
Having worked for a family law attorney a gazillion years ago and having used a mediator for my own long-ago divorce, I highly recommend anyone who has ever even contemplated walking out the door cut this article out and tuck it away, just in case.
Quite frankly, it's less expensive in all sorts of ways if you can put hurt and anger on the side and treat each other with respect if you part company. It's even more important to suck it up and remember what's important when there are kids involved.
Ear Worm of the Day:
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