Kids and a sprinkler and a sunny day -- always a recipe for fun.
Button-Buster of the Day:
"Holy Cow! I just got assigned my first attempted murder case. Craziness."That's my kid -- taking names and kicking ass. I am so proud of her!
Mayor Shortshanks proposes bar carts at the gates of O'Hare and Midway and extending all terminal restaurants with bar service and the carts to 24 hour days, making this brilliant proposal on the same day a Chicago-bound flight is diverted to Denver to rid itself of a drunken and disorderly passenger. (Ah, well -- they'll be somebody else's nightmare, not ours. La la la!)
I won't list all the obvious arguments against this -- others will do it better.
I will note, however, that I expect the airlines will be thrilled with the possibility of losing in flight sales and control over what and how much a flyer is served if you can buy a six pack or slam a bunch of shots, or dump half a dozen cocktails into the empty water bottle you've brought along for just that purpose and carry them right onto the plane, just like you can bottled water or soda?
Speaking of genius-level thought processes, Speaker Pelosi says the way to create jobs is to keep paying people unemployment.
We've seen article after article here in Illinois and also news from Detroit showing that people refuse to take jobs that pay near the same rate as their unemployment benefit because it's more convenient to just sit home and wait for more and let the government pay them to do it. Then we get peeved when illegal aliens take those same jobs that those living off the government teat are turning up their noses at.
Explain to me how this is creating jobs??? Ooo! Except for the government jobs created to deal with all those unemployment benefits.
Why I read Ken Levine... and all his comments? First go read Ken's post on how the National Anthem should be sung. It's a thing of absolute beauty.
Then turn your attention to commenter Bevo at that same post, who displays all that is wrong in higher education today and pile on, please.
Giggle of the Day:

Update: I actually have some appetite today and managed to eat half a sandwich and most of a cup of soup at Panera (I had to walk the couple of blocks to my local grocery store because I had nothing in the house to eat... but since I've eaten almost nothing since Friday night, I stopped there first lest I end up with the shakes). This feels huge. My tastebuds and appetite are completely verfarkled, and normal favorites make me blanch, while things I haven't contemplated eating in years -- liked canned pears, icy cold from the fridge -- have a lot of appeal. Really plain stuff is okay. Turkey. White bread. Mayonnaise. I went a little wild and bought a box of pasta salad mix. Since I was picking so much high food value items, I tossed in a box of all fruit popsicles. That should hold me for the next few days.
I'm still coughing, hacking and wheezing up half a gallon of big green and yellow loogies a day, and my ribs are feeling it. That's on the negative side. On the positive, I'm less achy and a little more focused.
Baby steps, folks. I'm making baby steps.
One More Thing:
I agree with most people that the vuvuzela is one of the more pernicious assaults on the ears I've heard in a long, long time... which is exactly why I donated money to pay for this creative use of the same:
Adam Quirk, the founder of Wreck & Salvage art video collection, started a campaign on, raising dough to play 100 vuvuzelas outside BP Headquarters in London for an entire day in an attempt to encourage the company to get a move on cleaning up the oil spill.Yes, he's met his goal, but why stop at 100?
Let 'em literally hear how pissed we are!
LOVE the vid; gonna have to swipe that!
Congrats on the first attempted murder case; bet she'll nail that case shut!
One of the pure joys of being an adult, owning a fridge, and buying your own food is that there are always several chilled cans of pineapple chunks (in its own, juice, not that sugar syrup!) awaiting my pleasure. It's 270 calories of delicious that never gets old!
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