Leslie's Omnibus


These people have limited imaginations. If I could pick a store I'd like to live in, it would be this one. They've got everything I could ever want and more... and the food hall is to die for. Hell, just the cheese counter alone would keep me there forever.

Hmmmmm.... Dr. Helen sent me over to see this post and resultant meme:

What Do Men Want to Know?

What makes you so different from other women you know?
  • Right now I'm pretty happy being single. A lot of women have their whole identity tied up in being half of a whole. I'm pretty happy being the whole.
Why won’t women let issues die? You beat a dead horse. Why?
  • I guess we're a little more introspective than men when it comes to emotions and relationships, and we tend to want them to be perfect. All of them. This is a feminine trait that drives me crazy, too... especially when I find myself guilty.
What is it with women and shoes?
  • Damned if I know. What is it with men and cars? Or motorcycles? Or electronic gadgets?
Why are women so vicious and two-faced, even with their best friends?
  • Make that some women. By and large, most women really value their friendships too much to do something stupid like that. Immaturity is usually the culprit. And maturity has nothing to do with chronological age.
Why are women so miserable when they’re happy and why are they happy when they’re miserable?
  • There are drama queens of every gender, age and persuasion. Not all of us are like that. Okay, sometimes hormones do play a role... but my ex-husband had to take testosterone shots at one point, and they affected his mood a lot, too. (If this is the kind of chick you're meeting all the time, you might want to do a little self-examination and ask yourself why.)
What is it with women and their unhealthy relationship with food? For example, you order a side salad as a entre, only eat half of that; ask that it be boxed up to go, then on the way home, you demand that we drive through a McDonald’s to get a super-sized order of fries!!!
  • If the entertainment industry would quit throwing unhealthy body images at us, it would help. When guys drool over J-Lo, Madonna, Paris Hilton, etc., it makes us feel like maybe we should look that way. And we're really unrealistic about recognizing that the big stars have dietitians, chefs, personal trainers, etc. to make sure they eat healthy food and push their bodies to perfection. That being said, I agree with you about the person you're describing. If you're buying, I'm ordering a steak and a big baked potato and I'm going to enjoy it, dammit. M'kay?
Do women consciously resort to emotion (crying) to derail a discussion or argument, or is it just an instinctive response?
  • Yikes. Depending on the woman, that's a 50/50 answer. If you find the individual woman is manipulative in other ways, there's your answer. If she's usually pretty straightforward, you've hurt her feelings, Bubba.
What about the vaginal orgasm—fact or fiction?
  • Fact. Why do you think there are so many different funky kinds of vibrators out there?
Why do women flirt with guys they’re not even interested in?
  • Practice. And we don't know if we're really interested in you until we actually talk with you a while. It's not all about the looks and the chemistry.
What’s the “real” reason women go to the bathroom in mass?
  • To talk about you, your friends, the weather, can I borrow your lipstick?, have you got a tampon?, to strategize on how to get you to call her, to strategize on how to get the hell away from you, you creepo. What? You asked.
Why are some women intentionally and ONLY interested in married men?
  • Got me hanging. I don't understand this, and I never will.
What is it with women and shopping?
  • You'd have to ask the Princess Mom and my ex-boyfriend. Both of them love to go shopping, and have to touch every single item in every single store. Arghhhhhhh!!! I shop for what I need, not for pleasure.
Why don’t more women like action movies?
  • Why don't more men like chick flicks? Geeze. This is a nature/nurture thing, I think. I do see that little girls brought up playing coed sports like soccer and basketball and girl gamers are more likely to get into action movies than girls brought up on Barbie and My Little Pony.
Why do women have such an unrealistic view of their own weight? In either extreme?
  • See my answer to the dining question, above. Our mothers and the media hammer this shit into our heads from the time we are very small. It takes a long time for many women to get comfortable in their own skin... if ever. Again, maturity helps. I've learned that if you radiate confidence, it doesn't matter what size you are -- somebody in the room is going to find you attractive for that!
Why can’t women be satisfied with the first thing they see in a store they like? Why do they have to explore every single item and try on 100 different things, only to walk out of the store with the first item they originally saw and liked?
  • See my shopping answer above. It really does depend on the diva factor. If you're attracted to real girlie girls, get used to that kind of behavior. If you're attracted to more sporty or down-to-earth types, you'll spend a lot less time in stores. I guarantee.
Why do women fake orgasms? Not that any woman has EVER faked one with me, I mean…how could they, but come on!!! Don’t you think being honest would be a better approach?
  • Right. It might be that we're tired, but we love you and we know you really, really, really want to have sex tonight. So we make sure it's good for you, and that's good enough for us. If women have body issues due to the entertainment and print media industries, then men have performance issues based on the same. If she were faking all the time, then you'd have some real honesty issues to work out. I can't imagine not ever... *shudder*... it doesn't bear thinking.
How in the hell a woman is able to create a disaster and then turn it around on the guy and convince him that it was his fault?
  • Oooh, Honey, you've got bad taste in women. We're not all like that. And, by the way, my now ex-husband was terrible with money, and frequently used his debit card when he meant to use his credit card for our joint account. He got tired of me bitching about never being able to balance our checking account as a result, and finally said he'd handle the bills and the checking account. One month and $900 in bounced check charges later, he handed it all back over to me to straighten out. And what did he have to say for himself? "You should have known better than to let me have anything to do with that." Yup. It was my fault. He's now my ex, and I've learned that this trait is not one I'd look for in a partner in the future.



What Your Handwriting Says About You

You are a fairly energetic person. You know how do pace yourself, and you deal well with stress.

You are very extroverted and outgoing. You are loving, friendly, and supportive. However, you are also manipulative and controlling at times.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.

You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.

You are a poor communicator. No one really knows exactly what you're getting at.

(A tip of the cap to LL.)

Because Erica isn't alone in being hooked on these stupid quizzes.

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