Leslie's Omnibus


What an incredibly cool idea. It has the potential for turning class sessions into a form of Jeopardy! that just might bring out the game show contestant sense of competition to really engage the attention of a normally restless or bored group of youngsters.

Man, there are some dynamite shows coming to Chicago soon! I'm really hoping to get tickets to both The Color Purple and Jersey Boys. Anybody interested?

Don't have enough reasons to doubt online dating? Try this on for size.

Be afraid. Be very afraid!

Bravo, AP!

What took so long??????

You've got no heart if this doesn't make you want to go, "Awwwwwwwww!"

This new meme from El Crap... er... El Capitan has had me in stitches all afternoon.

(You try and keep a straight face after reading the whole thing. I just can't.)

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