Leslie's Omnibus


If this is true, then I'm never going to age. (In fact, at the rate I'm going, I'm probably reversing the aging process entirely.) Yahoo!

No wonder so few people are going into teaching these days. You couldn't pay me enough to go into a classroom like that. Clearly this school is getting what it paid for, too.


(A tip of the cap to my Tall Cool pal!)

I'm SO EXCITED! We're one step closer to winning the bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. (And if we do win that bid, I'll have some room for friends who are fans.)

This guy just doesn't get it. He's been thumbing his nose at the Archdiocese for a long, long time, and he finally got spanked. Boo hoo hoo. I'm no fan of Cardinal Francis George, but it's about time he put some teeth into his threats to rein Pfleger in.

If Pfleger had really cared for his congregation, he'd never have opened his big yap.

Hubris. When it comes back to bite you, it really, really hurts.

He forgot his bible verses. Who is it who'll inherit the earth? Surely not Father Pfleger, who wouldn't recognize meek if it jumped up and bit him.

(And I've got to believe that one of Francis George's concerns is that churches who bring politics to the altar tend to get threatened by the IRS for violating the separation of church and state veil.)

Today's ear worm is a lovely one:

Lest you think she was a one-note wonder with the ethereal girly stuff, she could also belt out stuff like this:

And this:



Anonymous said...

I am agree with your deferent thoughts.I hope you are right.

Anonymous said...

..... Eva Cassidy was a one of a kind...... and she was taken way, WAY too soon....... she had the most haunting voice....... she still gives me goosebumps.....


Joan of Argghh! said...

I confess I'd never heard of her until this blog post. Thank you for introducing me to her.