Leslie's Omnibus


I stopped at a local restaurant's lounge for a cocktail on my way home last night. At the other end of the bar were three obviously inebriated *ahem* gentlemen who argued about everything from the Cubs to the White Sox to the Bears to Nascar to Kung Fu. (Don't ask how they made that leap. I still haven't figured it out.)

Except that one of them was so far in the bag that it came out "Tongue Fu."

All I could think was, "I've dated a guy or two like that. In fact, one was a third degree brown belt."


Oddly, that reminded me of Old Crankypants. Just think about the fun he'd have had with that phrase.

More on the differences between what men and women like in a kiss here. And she's right about the overly slobbery thing. Ish.

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