Leslie's Omnibus


Holy crap! First she was spinning counter-clockwise, then clockwise, the counter-clockwise again. Freaky. And that will tell you a LOT about how my mind works...

(A tip of the cap to Nautical Dawn.)

Speaking of Nautical Dawn, she knocked me flat with this quote of the day:
4:35pm I'm still stuck behind Big Momma and the Momettes. I'd take some deep breaths, but someone just hit puberty and hasn't yet discovered deodorant.
Priceless. Just priceless. Nice to know I'm not the only one this stuff happens to!

Buckaroo Bonsai* used to do one thing that drove me absolutely insane. Apparently there's a left-brained law firm that shares the same proclivity for giving a gift that requires a lot of work to maintain to someone who may or may not have any interest in maintaining said gift.


The Buckaroo insisted on gifting people with his mini-tree handiwork. He then alternated between put out and perplexed when the poor plants didn't survive. Apparently Sullivan & Cromwell has the same brilliant plan. That's just criminal when you consider all the hard work it takes to develop one of those puppies.

Look. I'f you're going to give a gift, you damned sure ought to make sure it's something the giftee wants. Sheesh.

Kate is in her usual "Bite Me" mood. Go drop some warm fuzzies in her comments, would you?

Carnival of the Recipes, The Great Pumpkin Edition, is up at the Expatriate's Kitchen, and boy are there some yummy looking recipes this week. Go check'em out.

*Ex-boyfriend, for you newbie readers.

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