Leslie's Omnibus

Busman's Holiday -- Part VII

Yes, we're still on Saturday.  Heading home to Camp Grown-Ups for dinner but stopping in New Buffalo to grab one of these and...

... load up at Barney's full service store.  As opposed to 3/4 service.  Or half service.

Consider yourselves told.

'Tis the season.

You don't find brussel sprouts like this at your big-box grocery stores.  (Hostess Rona, doing her best Carol Merrill impersonation.)

Steak, locally grown sweet corn and green beans, garlicky mashed potatoes and fresh heirloom tomatoes with basil and a tangy viniagrette... and that's on top of a groaning board of cheese (5 kinds), charcuterie (3 kinds), olives, spicy mustard and crostini.

(I'd have taken photos, but we were too ravenous to stop long enough to do so.)  


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