When is an apology not an apology?
"I admit the language was inappropriate, and apologize for any affront to anyone's delicate sensibilities," Lewin wrote.You tell me.
It might be a better idea to post where you've been, not where you're going, on Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook and Twitter users are increasing the risk of being burgled when they announce their holiday plans online, a study has warned.Make sure you know what your kids are posting before you head off for summer vacation!
You and I may not be invited to the Royal Wedding, but we can eat like the royals and their guests. Here's the recipe for the cake the groom ordered up and, since it's a no-bake, just about anyone can make it.
Apple Inc.'s iPhone and iPad are keeping very close track of where you've been.The upside of this is that if you have the same information and your iPhone or iPad is stolen, you (and the police) can easily recover it.Those records create a highly detailed history of a user's whereabouts over months or even years.
Signs of spectacular parenting?
“I don’t think my son’s guilty. He’s my womb child and I’m going to stand and pray for my seed.”And...
Esther keeps a stash of documents in a folder on her living room table detailing her son’s run-ins with the law. These include the search warrants police used before searching Sonny’s apartment and car.And...
“My son is saying he’s innocent,” she said. “The only thing he’s (guilty of) is whore-hopping.”Charming mother, adorable son.
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