Huzzah! (For once I'm glad to be wrong, wrong, WRONG.)
"I admit the language was inappropriate, and apologize for any affront to anyone's delicate sensibilities," Lewin wrote.You tell me.
Facebook and Twitter users are increasing the risk of being burgled when they announce their holiday plans online, a study has warned.Make sure you know what your kids are posting before you head off for summer vacation!
Apple Inc.'s iPhone and iPad are keeping very close track of where you've been.The upside of this is that if you have the same information and your iPhone or iPad is stolen, you (and the police) can easily recover it.Those records create a highly detailed history of a user's whereabouts over months or even years.
“I don’t think my son’s guilty. He’s my womb child and I’m going to stand and pray for my seed.”And...
Esther keeps a stash of documents in a folder on her living room table detailing her son’s run-ins with the law. These include the search warrants police used before searching Sonny’s apartment and car.And...
“My son is saying he’s innocent,” she said. “The only thing he’s (guilty of) is whore-hopping.”Charming mother, adorable son.
TMZ reports that Sheen's ex-wife Denise Richards has offered to let [Max and Bob] live with her until things stabilize.Denise has been the only sane player in this whole sad farce.
"Barmy and scary and predating Jekyll and Hyde. And written by a shepherd who barely read any books. A Scottish classic, a world classic, yet hardly anyone, writers excepted, has actually read it"Of course I ordered it. Look for it on my April reads list.
He also testified he couldn’t have “French kissed” the victim or performed oral sex on her, as she testified, because he can’t stick out his tongue due to a physical abnormality.Oh, really? That's not what his ex said!
However, his ex-wife, Jacque Rush, testified Hamberg had French kissed and performed oral sex on her when they were married.I'll just bet she does.
“I really want him to get nailed,” Rush said outside the courtroom following her testimony.
Valparaiso sixth-grader handcuffed over spilled milkWhat he's really guilty of is assault on a police officer. Big difference.
"[B]efore he left Canada, the 20-year-old unemployed computer technician took the unusual step of determining that Illinois had no death penalty, prosecutors say."Think again.
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle on Monday moved to clean up a scandal at a forest preserve district pool involving theft and unethical employee behavior that took place on her predecessor's watch.My girl-crush on her continues unabated. She promised and she's delivering.
Calling the forest preserve district "an area of county government that has historically been overlooked," Preckwinkle said the new oversight includes additional security cameras, a new cash and credit card system, wireless access for supervision and a new employee-training program with ethics lessons.
"From my first day in office, I've made a pledge to hold my administration accountable to four key principals: fiscal responsibility, innovative leadership, transparency and accountability and improved services," she said. "These measures reflect our commitment to a new standard of oversight and accountability."
Federal prosecutors in New Jersey are investigating whether numerous smartphone applications illegally obtained or transmitted information about their users without proper disclosures, according to a person familiar with the matter.Yikes! Maybe it's not so bad that I've hung on to my Luddite Nokia phone after all...
The criminal investigation is examining whether the app makers fully described to users the types of data they collected and why they needed the information — such as a user’s location or a unique identifier for the phone — the person familiar with the matter said. Collecting information about a user without proper notice or authorization could violate a federal computer-fraud law.
Along Came Trouble, Sherryl Woods[1]
Wait for Me!: Memoirs, Deborah Mitford, Duchess of
A Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin[3]
A Clash of Kings, George R.R. Martin
The Price of Everything: Solving the Mystery of Why We Pay What We Do, Eduardo Porter
Russell Wiley Is Out to Lunch, Richard Hine[4]
Always the Baker, Never the Bride, Sandra D. Bricker
You Don’t Look Like Anyone I Know, Heather Sellers
Evil for Evil: A Billy Boyle World War II Mystery, James R. Benn[5]
Agent Zigzag: A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love, and Betrayal, Ben Macintyre
Deja Vu, Fern Michaels
My Father at 100, Ron Reagan[6]
Lifted, Evan Ratliff[7]
Loud in the House of Myself: Memoir of a Strange Girl, Stacy Pershall
Marrying Daisy Bellamy, Susan Wiggs
Hero: The Life and Legent of
American Rose: A Nation Laid Bare: The Life and Times of Gypsy Rose Lee, Karen Abbott
The[1] After the last four books I read, I needed something a little lighter, and Woods always delivers.
[2] Simply delish on every level.
[3] Winter is coming… and so is AGOT on HBO. I had to refresh my memory a bit.
[4] Charming and very humorous. Written for little guys everywhere.
[5] This series gets better with every book.
[6] I always thought young Reagan was a miserable little shit. This book proves it.
[7] Novella.