Giggle of the Day:

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
One day I'll figure out how to get a completely focused shot at night... from a position on a bouncing bridge... with my Canon Power Shot. (I really, really, really want to upgrade to a DSLR, but won't do it until I get this one mastered first.)
In the meantime, here's my latest effort:
I never tire of this view.
Apparently nobody ever told this guy you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar:
Joliet police say Lovelee L. Walker, 29, of the 900 block of Lois Place, Joliet, spit at one emergency room nurse, hit another and broke medical equipment Wednesday because he felt they were treating his gunshot wound to the arm too slowly.His mother did, however, give him the perfect name to be said with great sarcasm -- "Lovelee. Juuuuuuuuuust freakin' Lovelee."
And here we have three brilliant and innovative thinkers who display the proper thanks and respect to a child's rescuers:
Three police officers rescued a 5-year-old boy who accidentally fell 10 feet into a hole and a man was Tased after allegedly punching the officer who scooped the child up after being lowered into the hole by his ankles Thursday night on the Northwest Side....Do you think idiocy is coded in this family's DNA? Future Darwin Award winners, I'm betting.
While patrolling the area, plainclothes officers Pinal, Guzman and Morrison were flagged down by the mother of the 5-year-old and other citizens saying that boy had fallen into a manhole next to a restaurant. Officers ran to the hole and saw the boy -- who was crying and visibly injured -- lying at the bottom of the hole, about 8-10 feet below, according to a police report.
The officers called for an ambulance as Pinal and Guzman lowered Morrison by his ankles down the hole and Morrison was able to grab hold of the boy, while Guzman and Pinal pulled him both up, the report said.
The officers then carried the child to ambulance that eventually transported him to Children’s Memorial Hospital where he was in “stable” condition....
But while paramedics were trying to render aid to the child, a 17-year-old relative of the boy allegedly became “very belligerent,’’ and tried to climb into the ambulance. When medics called for police assistance, the relative allegedly punched Morrison in the chest, the report said.
While the relative was placed in handcuffs, another man on the scene -- 29-year-old Pedro Bahena -- allegedly became irate, and was yelling and swearing at the officers. Pinal tried to calm him down but Bahena then allegedly punched Pinal, who Tased Bahena and subdued him, the report said.
Bahena was taken to Our Lady of Resurrection Medical Center to have the Taser prongs removed, but as Bahena was being placed into custody Uriel Banuelos, who is related to the teen -- possibly brothers -- tried to stop his arrest and he was also placed into custody.
Quote of the Day:
Even though it's relatively close to where I live, I definitely won't be attending this event. Ick.
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