Add this to my ridiculous Xmas/birthday/whatever wish list. Luge and skeleton are among my favorite winter Olympic sports, so this little doohickey has a lot of appeal.
Besides -- it's recommended ages 5 & up. (I qualify, I think.)
Given that it doesn't have wheels or blades, I might even make it to the bottom of the hill without killing myself. Either way, it looks like it'd be fun.
If you've got a teen who's about to get his/her first driver's license, you might want to switch to American Family Insurance, which has a great plan to offer you:
Nora and John Suter said they trusted their son, but they didn't want to take their eyes off him completely as he sped off with his friends into a particularly risky phase of teen independence: the first year of driving.I wouldn't have thanked my parents for this, but I didn't have cell phones, iPods or any electronic distraction except the radio when I first started to drive.
Thanks to American Family Insurance's Teen Safe Driver program, they found a solution: The Suters installed a video camera just above the rearview mirror of the Mustang. It keeps a running tab of Tyler's every erratic driving move.
Thanks to American Family Insurance's Teen Safe Driver program, they found a solution: The Suters installed a video camera just above the rearview mirror of the Mustang. It keeps a running tab of Tyler's every erratic driving move.Sounds like it would ensure your teen knew when he/she was being watched and give you both plenty to discuss, as well.
Alas, there have been many. Like the time Tyler floored the gas to pass a friend's pickup in a subdivision.
"I looked up and saw the (recording) light, and I knew I was busted," he said.
Then there was the time Tyler nearly rear-ended a car at a stop sign, or when he gassed the car into a right-hand turn to catch up with a friend. Thanks to two lenses, the camera simultaneously captured what was going on inside and in front of the car.
Nora Suter watched the videos on a laptop in the family's kitchen. "Tyler, do you see how dangerous this could be? A child could run out on the street, and you'd have no time to stop."
This is a great list of what to do if you've had a pet escape or wander off. Print yourself a copy and tuck it in a drawer.
Here are some tips for finding a lost cat or dog from experts at the Anti-Cruelty of Chicago, PAWS Chicago, Feline Friends Chicago and the Citizens for Animal Protection:I hope you never need it, but it's a great resource if or when you do.
† Act immediately. The longer you wait, the farther your pet can travel. Plus, the chances of your pet getting injured increases.
† Leave items with a familiar scent outside your home. A litter box, pet bed or a shirt or shoes recently worn by the pet owner can attract a pet who has strayed.
† Search the neighborhood. Walk, ride a bicycle or drive slowly through your neighborhood several times each day. Whistle a few times, then call your pet’s name twice. Listen carefully and look around.
† Your pet may be injured, frightened or trapped and unable to come to you. Hearing your voice may encourage your pet to answer you. After you call the pet’s name two or three times, remain in one place long enough to see if you can hear your pet.
† A lost pet may hide during the day, so go out again at night through your neighborhood with a flashlight and call for your cat or dog.
† Ask neighbors, letter carriers and delivery people, anyone you see, if they have seen your pet.
† Post flyers at intersections within a two-mile radius of the area of where your pet was lost. Also, give flyers to local grocery stores, community centers, pet stores, veterinary offices, churches and laundromats.
† The flyers should have a photograph of the pet and how to reach you as well as provide information such as fur color, breed and eye color.
† Advertise in local and community newspapers.
† Visit all local animal shelters and animal-control agencies as well as call or e-mail them. Your pet could show up at any time.
† File a lost pet report with every shelter in the city and suburbs. Check with the shelters every few days.
† If your pet was lost anywhere near a highway, contact the area’s department of transportation.
† Call veterinary hospitals.
† Do not send reward money or offer information to anyone claiming they have your pet.
† File a lost pet report with the Chicago Police Department.
Ear Worm of the Day:
I have no idea why this has been stuck in my head, but it's been there since last night.
Giggle of the Day:

1 comment:
Personally I'm not a fan of tagging a teen with GPS or putting a videocamera in the car with him. I believe the critical issue is trust, and that's never going to be learned by a kid if they're constantly under a microscope. Set reasonable rules and limitations, be clear on the consequences for violations, and then allow the teen to earn parental trust by showing responsibility with their freedom. I might consider GPS or videocameras as a punitive option short of curtailing driving privileges for rule violations, but I think that constant monitoring will do nothing more than foster resentment and increase irresponsible behavior in those moments parents aren't looking.
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