Leslie's Omnibus

Stormy Weather

Holy smokes! The headlines from this morning? "Great Lakes Cyclone" expected to hit Chicago area and Storm front spawns brief tornado warning in Kane.

WGN Radio says we expect 30' to 35' waves on Lake Michigan today, and winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour. They also inform us that umbrellas are useless.

There has already been one ground stop order at O'Hare airport (oops! there goes another one!), and, if you're travelling here over the next couple of days, you should count on more.
If driving, motorists are urged to keep both hands on the wheel and slow down, the Naperville release said. Drivers are cautioned to keep a safe distance from cars in adjacent lanes, and to take extra care in vehicles with high profiles, such as trucks and SUVs.
Oh. And monsoon type rain just blew in.

I can't wait to go to work today.


Update: Yes, I made it in to work. Tornadoes have touched down in a bunch of places here in the Midwest. In addition, the skydeck at the Willis (SEARS) Tower pulled in the ledges and shut down for at least the day AND this poor woman was impaled with the business end of a falling branch.



Northwoods Woman said...

did you make it in?! it's not as windy here but I did see a chipmunk fly by the window this morning!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh MissieAuntieLeslie- we hopes you is ok!