Leslie's Omnibus

Bus Fumes

A quick rant: I don't care whether you're stepping out of an elevator, off of an escalator or out of a revolving door -- DO NOT STOP AND HAVE A LOOK AROUND to figure out where you are supposed to be going, especially during rush hour. Step off to the side before you get run right over. I mean it. You're really tempting me.

One more quick rant: Please Mr. Conductor, quit mangling my 10-Ride pass. Yes. I get pissy about stuff like this. I don't know why. I just do. M'kay?

Quick rant No. 3: If you raise the price you charge for a glass of wine by 50% and don't notify me of that fact when I order it, you damn well better expect me to raise a ruckus when you hand me the bill, sonny. Do not try looking surprised. Yes. I'm impressive when I've got steam shooting out my ears and my eyes turn into laser beams.

Quick rant No. 4: And we're still importing foodstuffs from China why???

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