Leslie's Omnibus


Ear Worm of the Day (inspired by this):


Quotes of the Day:
[A] well placed claw in a bean tooshie may not always get you your food faster, but it will amuse you to no end when the bean starts jumping around and hollering. -- Miles Meezer

I am the mighty Whapinator. -- Sammy Meezer

What? The Meezer boys make me laugh.

Psssst! Ladies! If you want to know how to get a guy's attention, forget dressing provocatively. Just be able to recite this recipe by heart. Unless he's a vegan or vegetarian, he'll follow you anywhere.

(A big smoocharoonie to Contagion for the pointer.)

Giggle of the Day:

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

1 comment:

CharlieDelta said...

You're killin' me with these ones Leslie! LMAO.