Leslie's Omnibus

Bus Fumes

You know, it's almost embarrassing to tell people you live in Illinois these days.

First of all, we have the lunatic governor who's really good at making others look bad.

In fact, he's playing organ grinder to the dancing monkeys of the Illinois legislature. They're too busy capering to the tune he's playing to stop and realize they can change the rules on him at any time -- and should have done it months ago.

Then we've got Chicago pols, who spend more time on foie gras, transfats and keeping big box stores out of the city than on cutting crime or bringing jobs into the city.

And the leadership of Chicago's constabulary is not much better.

Is it any wonder this is true:
“In several parts of Illinois, voters have come to tolerate a certain level of corruption if they’re getting their streets plowed after a snow storm and getting their garbage picked up,” said Mike Lawrence, a retired director at the University of Southern Illinois’ Paul Simon Public Policy Institute.
Sorry. This is not acceptable, and what got us into our current mess in the first place. Argh!

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