Leslie's Omnibus

Miscellaneous Meanderings

Did somebody align the planets just right this week? 
The Most Beautiful Child in the World (TMBCITW) has my name down pat now:  "Aun-tee Wes-ree!"  Her favorite new word for prefacing any sentence is "ack-shu-lee".  She'll be two on Tuesday.  Brilliant and beautiful.  Life is sweet.
Work has been busy and productive.  Great, in fact.
A friend's (from my after work joint) boss, who never even acknowledges my existence, let alone my name, stopped to say goodnight last night.  Gave me a hug.  Called me "Sweet Cheeks."  SWEET CHEEKS???  Holy Mother of God, what's happening here?!?
The topper?  I had a date last night.  One that I didn't want to run away from immediately.  One where I didn't want to punch the guy.  Not even once.  (I really hate dating.)  Great guy.  Fabulous restaurant.  Thank you.  May I have another?


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