Leslie's Omnibus

Bus Fumes

This post has yours truly banging her forehead against the steering wheel. This isn't just a cultural divide -- we might as well be from alternate universes.

This saddens me, as I don't know if we'll ever be able to bridge this gap.

Think the media isn't biased? Let Orson Scott Card* enlighten you. Can you see why I love this man's writing? (Tip of the cap to Stephen Green.)

*Author of "Ender's Game," "Xenocide," "Speaker for the Dead," "Ender's Shadow," etc. Highly recommended reading.

"'You are just not being considerate of the demands on this court system,' the judge told prosecution and defence lawyers." Right. They are indeed aware. They just don't care. Boogie/Bogey Man thinks he's above the law. Given that this is all happening in the California "justice" system, I'm not sure they're wrong. Just ask The Juice. (Tip of the cap to the Group Captain.)


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