What's true for the Metra trains is also true for the El -- in a contest between man and speeding vehicle on rails, the speeding vehicle will win. Always.
Lest you think this is a rare thing here, on my way home from the Cubs game on Friday I saw six spectacularly drunken and stupid fans try to get themselves run over by a Metra train not 50 feet from where I was standing. I know the engineer on that train must have had brown stains all the way down the legs of his uniform pants. I almost did, myself. And those stupid fuckers laughed. (Sorry, but they are.) You know what? In their case, a $500 fine isn't nearly enough, and I'm sorry there were no cops handy. I'd have volunteered to testify against them.
I can see crankylitprof, caltechgirl and Mamacita all nodding and saying, "Yep. That's about par for the course..."
Me: “Oh, is this for an Ethics class?”Indeed.
Customer: “Yes! I didn’t want to pay for the book, so I photocopied it. Do you think the professor is going to like how resourceful I am?”
Me: “I’m sure you’ll have a very lively discussion about it.”
If you're on Facebook, you'll want to go read this if you have concerns about your privacy settings (and you should):
Facebook is now sharing your personal profile information with third parties. For now, it's just a few web sites, like the music site Pandora, and the consumer review site, Yelp.Dandy. Just freaking dandy.
Facebook is automatically sharing that information, without your consent. If you don't want to share, you have to opt out.
Giggle of the Day:

Ear Worm of the Day:
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