... reminds me of these guys:
(Okay... the guys that inspired those guys.)
Gotta love it when TOTUS tells it like it really is.
(Hey, I've been abnormally quiet on this issue, but when even my BlogDaddy questions the Big Guy's handling of the situation, you know it's bad. How bad is it? Go see Jihad Gene for the answer.)
How cool is photographer Sharon Montrose??? Go visit her Etsy shop.
(I just bought the baby porcupine photos. Don't have a clue where I'm going to put them, but I'll find a place! I freaking love them.)
Question for my pals of a certain age -- when you were growing up, did your mom buy you...
PF Flyers...
or Red Ball Jets?
Were they the brand that you wanted, too?
Coney Island revitalized? I can't wait for Erica's take!
Planning to travel to or from Europe any time soon? Better make sure you have a Plan B in place. Katla is getting ready to blow.
Seems like I'm not the only one dreaming up a Super Hero costume lately. I'll bet we'd both look stunning. He'll slay 'em with nun-chucks. I'll slay 'em with laughter... and kindness.
Eric wants to know our definition of sexy. Here's mine:
Top of my list? -- Brian Dennehy at any age (with the exception of his portrayal of John Wayne Gacy). I've seen him live in three different plays. He blows my skirt up. He makes my knees weak. He makes my... (you get the picture).
Nathan Fillion -- smart, funny, self-deprecating.
Bruce Campbell -- ditto above.
Don Williams -- Mmmmmmm, what a voice!
Randy Travis -- Another voice that just melts me.
Lt. Col. Allen West -- If you need to ask why, you need to hie thee to the optometrist ASAP, and the audiologist immediately thereafter.
Yep. That's a good start for me. How about you?
Giggle of the Day:

Sadly, Coney Island gets lamer with each passing year. I have little desire to go there anymore.
Sadly, Coney Island gets lamer with each passing year. I have little desire to go there anymore.
That was me, anonymous...you can delete that one if you'd like.
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