Leslie's Omnibus


Yes, I'm back... and I had no idea just how much snot the human body can (and continues to) produce. If this is true...
The average human body produces about a liter of mucus per day.
... then I've passed average by about 10:00 a.m. every day for the past six days. Swell.

I swear I have a crew of sinus gremlins working 'round the clock, stoking up the boiler in the ol' factory. (Heh.)

Anyhow... I'm ready for this to stop. Truly. Just ugh.

Erica's post on the Oak Ridge Boys got the old country music ear worm juke box spinning up platters in my brain. Men/four part harmony/country music brings to mind:

Gotta love it.

Quote of the Day:
She has not been charged with any crime.
Dear Sweet Heavenly Father, I should hope not.

(And if that story doesn't stand your hair on end, nothing will.)

Speaking of things that'll stand your hair on end....

Yep. That did it for me. Where do I sign up to donate to the poor guy's defense fund?

Giggle of the Day:

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals


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