Leslie's Omnibus

Traveling Companions

The Divine Miss Marilyn was happy to stay home from the cat show this last weekend. I, on the other hand, had a wonderful time!

(And, if I can stave off the cold that's trying to fell me, I'm headed to the dog show on Sunday, too. Steve Dale, who does color commentary for the group and best in show judging, is an old friend of mine. See you there?)

The usual good stuff:
Side note -- Lair is still looking for more volunteers to host the Carnival of the Cats. Yes, it's a lot of work. BUT, it's also a lot of fun, and brings a ton of new readers to your blog.

Besides... if you don't volunteer for the job, I might just have to do it again. In fact, I'm about to volunteer for a week from this Sunday.

1 comment:

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Miss Marilyn!! You is looking furry beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!