Leslie's Omnibus

Traveling Companions

The Divine Miss Marilyn says...

"Hi, everybody!"

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Did you miss me?"

Note: She sends special greetings to her favorite star of stage and screen!

The Divine Miss Marilyn also encourages you to visit the Modulator for the 100th edition of the Friday Ark (Thanks, Steve for all that hard work!) and the Carnival of the Cats, to be hosted this Sunday evening by Red Peonies. In fact, go back and visit last week's CotC hosted by none other than Hakuna and Matata, owners of Mr. Debonair his own self!

More adventures with "toof paste" here. Just try and keep a straight face. I dare you.


Northwoods Woman said...

Awww too cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey there sweetie pie! I DID miss you're precious little face. Glad to see you back, doll.

Anonymous said...

The GK missed his virtual girlfriend very, very much indeed!