Leslie's Omnibus

Traveling Companions

The Divine Miss Marilyn remains on blogging restriction until she acknow- ledges that the word "no" applies to her... and that people belong at the dinner table and cats belong under it, not on it.

She's still sulking. (She'll be more motivated when her Grand Passion comes back from blogging hiatus.)

Tiger Boots, on the other hand, has promised to guard the bonsai and the bills while I'm in Austin. (And, yes. That's how the Buckaroo got his nickname.)

She's being particularly agreeable because she wants me to hurry up and finish her interview with her current crush and get it sent in.

(As soon as I get back from Austin. I promise.)

Don't forget to visit the Friday Ark over at The Modulator. Also stop by the Carnival of the Cats, which will be hosted by Furry Paws, starting this Sunday evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The GK sends Miss Marilyn naughty nookies.