She promises thrills, chills and awe-inspiring feats of feline derring-do!
In the Center Ring:

- C.W. -- the amazing bridge between Laura Lee's adolescense and adulthood!
- China and Willow do the Marx Brothers mirror trick from Duck Soup.
- Zorro gives an electric performance at the House of Chaos.
- Viola! The secret lives of rescued pets revealed at the Blog Pound.
- Missy shows off in the spot-light for mom Mary Lynn!
- Now you see them; now you don't! The "swimmers" are appearing and disappearing at The Pink Flamingo.
- Tiny and Baby show no mercy in a stupendous battle of strength and willpower. Sissy indeed provides thrills and chills.
- Cleo survives the dreaded bath. (Bad, bad leucanthemum b!)
- Aloysius steps into the limelight and reflects on his own beautious self.
- Bagheera takes a turn as a mesmerist.
- Mr. Gato channels Travis Bickle over at Enrevanche.
- Sam chooses his human and his own name. If that ain't a show-stopper, I don't know what is. (And bless you, Ostara, for paying attention!)
- Maria Angeline's beautiful boy shows off his reading skillz.
- Mom Karen has Grady and Kiera demonstrate that herding cats is not, in fact, impossible. Good show!
- Pearl and Zelda make each other disappear... by closing their eyes. Hey, JT -- whatever magic works, right?
- Rhett, Rico Loco and Rafe attempt to put the reins on mom PJ. (Good luck, fellers!)
- An amazing instant transmogrifcation from housecat to tiger takes place in Cypress!
- The twins demonstrate that you can make the bed without opposable thumbs at Gottagopractice. See? Practice does make perfect.
- Lucie loves Goomp and the Chelsea Grays check out the pig catapult.
- Cheysuli issues a challenge. Are you game?
- The kitties at House of Chaos send 2006 out with a bang.
Acrobats and Aerialists:

- Little Bit struts her stuff without a net for lisaviolet. (The Divine Miss Marilyn swoons at the thought of such daring!
- The Crazy Meezers can't keep their eyes off the action. (Thanks, Leigh!)
- There's simultaneous gustation going down at Val's Bien.
- Ping prooves he's light on his feet at Manx Mnews.
- KT Cat defies gravity. Wowser!
- Matata and the Mistress of Sarcasm both show off their daredevil sides for proud papa Mr. Debonair Hizzownself.
- There are tribbles in training, while Kai and Xena emulate John Cena and Hulk Hogan for ringmaster Chris.
Clowning Around:

- Sebastian gives his mom a good laugh. (You give a cat a prop and he's going to make the most of it, right?)
- Tiger, Betsy, Felix, Pepper, MiaBob and Quixote warm up their rapid-patter comedy act with mom Michelle as their suffering subject.
- China Cat has the last laugh.
- Cleo says, "Talk to the paw!" (The Divine Miss Marilyn says, "You go, girl!")
- Brenda's bunch provide comic relief plastic bags.
- Speaking of bags, Tiny bags the nip!
- Denny showcases Saddam's cat. Hee hee hee!
Furrrrrociously Cute:

- Who needs a whip and a chair? Gracie may be in a "cage," but she's already tamed mom Maya's heart.
- There's an sharp intake of breath as Ivy wakes to greet "Catzilla" at StrangerRanger.
- Juno and Xanath give their best impurrrrrrrsonation of Idaho Sofa Spuds for The Richmond Democrat.
- Vazra shows off his softer side for dad Jason.
- Chupa is as tame a tiger as you'd ever like to meet, according to mom Heather Y.
- Maggie, Nicky and Willow will melt your heart. Just ask momma srp.
- Ferdy shows off his furrrrrrocity!
- Huckleberry turns the eyes of angelic innocence on dad Wes Phillips.
- Send a fluff piece? Not Rahel. Uh-uh. Not ever.
- While Russ builds models, Mycah is a model.
- Jax, Henry and Duncan strike charming poses for mom Blueberry.
- A bloody cute threesome, wn'tchersay, Jams?
- Matata has always had an adventurous spirit, according to Ellison.
- Roratunga and Houdini help auntie Rondi ring in the New Year.
- Brenda gets it picture perfect!
- Gratuitous cat blogging from Sissie.
- Chester hams it up at Grapevine's Ramblings.
- Missy Blue Eyes plays it coy for the camera.
- Sergei gives the bedroom eye over at Music & Cats.
- Keesie gets a brand new cutie -- and needs help naming the little devil!
Sparkles, Spangles, Sequins and Feathers:

- A be-ribboned Willow rings in 2007 with style and cattitude.
- The furrrrrrrrrrrrocious Nardo harvests his own feathers, thank you very much. (The Divine Miss Marilyn always appreciates a cool cat who recognizes the inestimable value of the authentic article.)
- The gang at House of (Mostly) Black Cats show off the bling and things they received from their Secret Paws.
- Maya is making the Divine Miss Marilyn jealous with her over-the-top bling. (Gee, thanks, Da Nator. Even Gigolokitty! can't top that topper.)
- Sabby and the Captain sparkle and shine.
On the Midway:

- Krissie stretches it out.
- Some kids just can't stay out of the sunbeams!
- Izzy wants in... on the act.
- Prime silliness dished up for your viewing pleasure.
- Meowza shows off the ol' tongue and toes pose.
- Beauty is as beauty doesn't... do dishes.
- Mirror, mirror on the wall -- who's the fluffiest one of all?
- Holy Scholarship, your Mog-ness!
- Mog's moggies showcase their mad creative skillz.
- When Mog's away the cats will...
- Bad boys! Bad boys! Whacha gonna do? Whacha gonna do when they come for you?
Remember -- a Carnival always cares for its own. Get your sideshow swag here, and help a friend indeed.
Folding the Tents and Striking the Show:
Caesar took his final bows. In the parting words of the circus folk: "Saltuit, placuit, mortuus est." We're truly sorry for your loss, Nio.
The Divine Miss Marilyn thanks each and every purrrrrrrformer for purrrrrrrticipating this week. You kept us busy -- whew! That was a load of emails.
She tips her paw to last week's host, Watermark, who rung in 2006 and to the Modulator and the Friday Ark for pointing you here. She purrrrrrnts your attention to next week's Carnival of the Cats, which will be hosted by Pet's Garden. See you there!
Thanks for hosting a wonderful Carnival. And...First!
Hey Leslie, I came here via Mog and KT Cat.
Your carnival is wonderful - there are some awesome photos! It'll take me a couple of days to check them all out I think :) but then, it must have taken you a couple of days to compile this huge show.
Thanks for hosting! Great job. FYI, though, I am Roratunga and Houdini's *aunt,* not their mom. They're my brother's cats.
Your little lady cat looks to have even more attitude than my Lady Spitfire...I wasn't sure that was possible...lol
Wow, great job on the Carnival. The first of 2007 and it was truly huge.
Great job with the Carnival! I know how much work it is, but it's truly worth it. Purrs to Miss Marilyn!
Thank you so much.
A heroic effort. Well done! :-)
Love the cat pics..
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