Leslie's Omnibus

Bus Fumes

This is simply repugnant. (A tip of the cap to Lair.)

Oh, for cripe's sake! This is ridiculous.


This is overkill. A big fine and community service, sure. Aren't most jails already overcrowded? Let's just use'em for the really important stuff. Like real criminals.

Amen and amen.

Roger Simon at his glorious best: "What Thomson seems to be saying is that the 'balance' situation would be rectified if some of our journos were embedded with the suicide bombers, etc., instead of with those indiscriminately war-like Marines. Care to volunteer, Mr. Thomson?"


If believing this means you need a tin foil hat, then I'm digging out mine, too, and dusting off my kazoo and whoopee cushion. It's ridiculous to think that we'd allow anyone but the Secret Service to guard our president.

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