Leslie's Omnibus


Two quick things

First, the quote of the day:
It was marital foreplay at it’s finest.

Well played Boo. And I was worried our romance was dead.
I spewed all over my monitor more than once. Blame it on my favorite witch.

Then, I got the giggles from The 21 Best Mugshots Evar. Behold:

If that doesn't get you rubber-necking, nothing will!

(And the reason this particular one gets me going is that if you turned the green hair back to blond and added a Barbie tiara with big rhinestones and pink marabou and a matching fairy wand, you'd have my friend Ricky on the occasion of his 50th natal day. No. He didn't get arrested. He did, however, startle the hell out of the Arabic teller at the gas station where we stopped for cigarettes at 3:30 in the a.m.)

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