Leslie's Omnibus


Yikes! I've had the same damned ear worm since Saturday! Let's see if another dose of Don Williams can't shake that one loose:

... and...


I see this news about a so-called "Mattel Loophole" and I'm not sure if that's good news or bad. Given that Mattel's own testing caught the last several instances of lead paint recalls, it can't be all bad.

Just how much lead is really found in toys every day? Go here. Click on both the link and the video.

If that's not enough to stand your hair on end, I don't know what is.

Great. Like drivers need any more distractions in the car. I hope it's disabled any time the vehicle changes gear out of park. Yeah, yeah -- I get that passengers could use it while the vehicle is in motion, too...

... but some people just cannot resist temptation.

I hate driving as it is these days. This just might keep me off the roads entirely.

You know, the school might not have any legal responsibility for putting this poor kid in another classroom, but they sure do have a moral obligation to make this situation right. What were they thinking??? (And if I were the mom, I'd be putting my kid in another school ASAP. What is she thinking by continuing to send the poor kid to face that every day.) Arghhhhh!!!

The Quote of the Day comes from a brand, spanking new blogger:

Yep. First post out of the box. He's definitely one to watch!

Can anybody here 'splain me what took a whole gott-verdamned year to pay this poor woman back? That's what liability insurance is for, fer cripes sake.

Chase Bank comes out of this smelling to high heaven of bullshit.

Giggle of the Day? It's a two-fer:

more cat pictures

... and...



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