Leslie's Omnibus

Bus Fumes

China won't use lead paint on toys headed for the U.S. any more? Yeah, right. Especially when they're spouting this nonsense:
But Wei stressed that most Chinese exports are safe, echoing a line that Beijing repeatedly has used in defending the quality of its products. While acknowledging more could be done, Wei said that 100 percent safety was impossible and warned against overemphasizing what he characterized as limited problems.

“We should not over-propagandize the problem,” Wei said.

It has been proven scientific fact, known for years, that lead is toxic. Why the Chinese are allowing the production of lead paint at all is beyond me.

The absolute arrogance of the Chinese in the face of exposure of these deadly assaults on the health and safety of those purchasing their products is incredible.

Limited problems? Tell it to someone whose beloved pet died, or whose child contracts lead poisoning.

Maintain the boycott, will you?

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