Leslie's Omnibus


Got a lot of unused vacation time? Read this, and you might want to rethink banking all that time. I've got 129+ hours banked, and I'm going to be making a BIG dent in that real, real soon.

Giggle of the Day:

more animals

Bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha! (T1G rocks. Geeze, I wish he'd move back to Chicago.)

Just for the record, there is no joy in Cubville. None whatsoever.

And on that happy note...

see more puppies

I needz cheerin up. Srsly.

Finally, I don't get paid to endorse products. I only do it when I find something that really blows my skirt up. This game, recommended by the Venomous One, was a HUGE hit with TMPAE on the occasion of her third birthday. Even my brother got in on the fun.

Six pieces. LOADS of fun.

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